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Just One More . . .

PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:23 pm
by Sethos
His dark eyes flared, their heat intense and burning. Leaning down, Sethos took firm hold of Sama'el's arm. "Look at me!" he demanded. "When I have done with this we are finished! The vengeance I seek shall be granted me and may fate nevermore force my hand against virtue's purity."

"I've wondered how long it would take you to go crawling back to nobility's claim, drowning yourself in sorrowful yearning for some sort of redemptive return to your precious virtues." Sama'el jerked his arm free of Sethos' grip, maniacal laughter dancing grotesquely over his twisted grin. "Sethos, you are dead thanks to virtue, yet you continue to cleave to its merits. Honour is a very fine thing, but the dead have little use for it!"

Sethos drew a deep breath, studying the mage with intense trepidation. "Undoubtedly you are right," he whispered. "And it is far too late for me now to harbour even the slightest hope for redemption, however . . . "

"ENOUGH!" Sama'el seethed. Sethos had taken nine lives, delivered nine souls and yet here he stood, still the nobleman. One more kill was all that was needed, just one more soul to complete the surrender - ten for one, eternal enslavement.

"Let us come to an agreement, Sethos." Shaking his head, Sama'el placed an arm around Sethos' shoulders. "Seek one known well for his steps upon virtue's path. Gift him with righteousness equal to that which such path gifted you. Understand the absence of honour and I swear you shall find your redemption. Do this and yes, you are finished. "
