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The Hunt Begins - Ch 1 Arrival

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:12 pm
by Sethos
With a single word of command Sama'el caused Sethos to rise up in the air, a motion of his hand sending him floating out through a looming corridor which shut swiftly and silently behind him.

Sethos stumbled, startled by the sudden cessation of motion. He sniffed, recognizing long forgotten scents - the sharp odors of garlic and pepper, the heady sweet perfumes of courtesans and queens. Familiar sights and sounds pervaded his senses, merchants and traders plying their wares all around him. He was in the midst of some vast marketplace, but where?

He tightened his hand over the grip of his bow, secure in the knowledge that no matter his location, certainty prevailed. One more soul, just one, and this wretched work would be at its end. The light of life would once again shine upon his essence, its beacon soft in welcome restoration.

"There remains but a single obstacle between this abyssmal existence and that hallowed dispatch," he whispered.

Forced to sudden refuge from a group of passing Paladins in golden helms and knee-length tunics of bright white quilted cotton, their scabbards harboring steel blades swinging from woven leather belts, he hid within the confines of the nearest stall, finding himself surrounded by armoured breastplates worked with gold and silver in ornate patterns and helms hammered in the shapes of ferocious beasts. A pretty young woman smiled at his entry. "Afraid of soldiers?" She reached a hand toward his bow. "I would think with a weapon like this you have nothing to fear."

"I fear no one!" Sethos recoiled, glaring, his voice shrouded by desperate necessity.

The woman laughed. "Your actions speak otherwise, sir."

He turned, pressing his body to hers until he had her backed against the make-shift wall with no outlet for escape. Lowering his head, he captured her mouth in a rapturous kiss then, without warning drew a dagger from his belt with his free hand and held it to her throat. "I seek a man of virtue, one well known, respected and followed by many."

"You mean Chalnoth?" Her trembling query was the last ever to cross her lips.

Wiping the blood from his blade Sethos slipped back out into the square. "Chalnoth it is, then," he grinned. "Now to find him . . . . . "
