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Random Blitz

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:39 pm
by Vin Decatur
Random Blitz

Chapter 2 Episode 2

PAS was going to kill some red guy for Justice. That seems appropriate.
I was gearing up but was out of food. I headed to Brit to buy some snacks and was attacked by a rat.
annnnddd it killed me! All I can say is "WTF"!
A rat? Really? Egads, how much of a loser am I?

You know....there is only one thing to do when a rat is able to kill you, get stinking drunk.
My friends will say thyat any excuse is a good reason for me to partake in massive ale consumption and I say
They are absolutely correct! What's your point?

I used my paladin skill to go to PAS HQ1 and found the gang romping around.
Someone gave me entrance to the building.
Isn't that kinda like allowing a vampire entrance.
Instead of draining your blood we drain your IQ.
I drank heavily and was drug to that RL land before we left HQ.

The next night PAS was going to Shame for Whet Stones.
I don't want any STUFF but I'll amuse myself with the local denizens.
Now being old and stuff, I assumed that some maroons would be around to try and spoil PAS's fun;
as the maroons are want to do.

They tell me whet stones are found in Shame. See, here's the issues:
1) I have not been to Shame in years, so I don't remember it at all.
2) I'm old and I forget...pretty much everything.
3) I partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages every now and then and I forget stuff.

Taking that into consideration I prepped for a run to the land of maroons.
Junk stuff only per the raconteur rules of combat.
We met up in and gated to Shame.
I strolled all the way to the first teleporter before I realized that it may have been prudent to bring along some sort of Elemental Slayer.

I fell once on the first level and was helped back up by PAS, of course.
I did okay fighting the first level dirt clods.
The rest of the place then opened a can of Whoop *** on me.
I think it was a Fire Elemental that got me next.
Of course I wearing junk which means I have no insurance.
I think it only killed me two more times before I made it to the junk pile.
I followed everyone around for a while but I really couldn't kill much.
I don't mind being a target but the dirt naps were just too easy to obtain.

I moved back to the first level where I could be okay, right?
Now, I'm dead. My body is surrounded by things that want to eat me.
I'm dead so the ale in my backpack is useless.
I could run down, get rezererected and such, get help to run back with me and move the pests away from my junk.
OR, I could run out and find one the them priest fellers.
That's what I did.

Let's get a grip on the picture.
Rezzed and wearing only a death robe - CHECK.
My body is on the other end of a cavern full of beasts that want to eat me - CHECK.
My friends are even further away pasts beasts with greater appetites than the first set - CHECK.
I'm in Fel with all of the above excellent options - CHECK.
Worstest of all - You don't rez with ale (note to self- insure some ale) - ACK!!
From my point of view (which is the only one I know - duh) there is only one thing to do.
Go home, get some decent gear and come back.
With a 'Sactimonious Viagra' I go home.
Geared up, I head back.....only I have no rune to that spot.
So, Skara Brae here we go.
It only takes about 5 minutes and 2 ale to run back.
I reach my junk pile just as everyone else begins making the trek out of the Shameful hole we are in.
Everyone goes to divvy up the goods.
My backpack has several pieces of Stinky Abcess stuff along with 5 death robes.
The death robes go on the floor.
(5 in an hour is ceratinly no record - I think 11 in 15 minutes is the official record for Sonoma.)
I have no clue what is good stuff and what is bad.
I just know I don't need any of it.
I toss my stuff on a table and head to the nearest bar.

Then End


I'm tired of putting up With your sober ways
Tired of looking at you
Through an alcoholic haze
You better change
I'm begging you please
'cause if you don't start drinkin' I'm gonna leave.


Oh, where are the maroons, are they gone?
How can we have a Death Robe Contest without maroons and gate goobers?
Sheesh, don't they know that they supply an invaluable service?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:53 pm
by Sagan
Wow. That is all.