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EM Event: March 4 Sacrifice (Tuesday)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:15 pm
by Queen Mum
From Sonoma EM Events website:
“Lulujka, I can not express my sorrow for you.”

*sniff* “Here I have washed and pressed all your Handkerchiefs.” She stared ahead.

“Is there anything at all. I failed you!” Amonos hung his head. “you must believe we all did our best. Daniel… well he… He supuko..”

Lulu looked through puffy eyes. “I watched it all through my crying bowl. I do not hold any of you responsible. There was nothing we could do. I had hoped but in truth I had no idea.”

“Are you saying you could not fix all these voodoo mojo charms?”

Lulu slowly shook her head. “perhaps if Algenon still lived… Daniel was never good at charms or alchemy… I have searched Alegenons work. Nothing Amonos. I just feel like my orphans now. I am surrounded by the children yet I feel all alone.”

“I went back to gather his body. It was surrounded by huge birds. Then it was gone.”

Lulu nodded. “yes he saved the Bird people. they became his eyes and ears, at least some of them. I have no idea how many really worked for Daniel. There is much life in the shadows. Both good and bad.”

“What shall we do?”

“Amonos can you get permission to hold a small service at the Sacrifice shrine? Daniel gave his life to protect us. He would not like a big thing, just something simple.”

“I will Lulu. Meet me there tonight March 4 at 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET.. the shrine in Ilshenar.

“I will be there ”