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EM Event: March 11th

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:22 pm
by Queen Mum
From Sonoma EM Event website:
Raven Parker flew over the field. Below he saw the larvae filling themselves to bursting with fresh grapes. These slugs would soon be at a stage to form chrysalis. Then they would emerge.

Raven swallowed the acid like bile in his throat. The nests of his people would be the next target. The larvae were happy with fruit. They would eventually eat all the leaves off the trees and leave the trees barren like in Felucca. Nothing would stop them. They would transform after that into slithery, leathery, vile creatures that ate the Raven people eggs and young.

Meet at the Brit Counsel Hall At 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET