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EM Event: Tuesday, January 21st

PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:23 pm
by Queen Mum
From the Sonoma EM Event website:
It hit Daniel hard, this realization of intent from the Shadow Dweller. He knew he had to stay as far from the citizens as he could. He realy should go back to the orphanage and give Lulu all his research. Something for future generations to explore. Could he risk it though. NO. Somehow he would have to get the sleuths to bring his things to her. Amonos would help. He was a good man even if a bit full of himself.
Daniel looked at his sword. Silent Kryss was slowly changing colour. It was his life charm, a gift from the dweller himself. It had kept him alive for centuries. Now his sword, His longest and truest friend would betray him.

Trust no one. These words echoed in his pounding head. He took out his whetstone and honed his blade. he could hide. He was always good at that.

Meet Amonos at the Serpent Hold Hall at 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET tonight Jan 21