Cursed By Sir Arthur Facts

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Cursed By Sir Arthur Facts

Postby Vin Decatur » Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:05 am

Usually, we raconteurs don't carry around artifacts.
There are exceptions. Jack carried a Blackthorn's Kryss on occassion
and I carry that Kick-Butt repond slayer.
Often we wore junk armor and just let it go when we got killed.
A big goal was no insurance money to the killer.
We're just evil that way.
I normally wear what ever Karyn cranks out.
Wearing things she makes is just win-win for me.
Besides, I remember the days when a GM Smith would be worshipped!
She worked up those skills the hard way too, no scripting for her!
So, I respect her and wish they would fix smithing.
Oops, I digress.

I decided to go visit the Dragon-kind.
Vin Decatur hath yet slain such a wyrm.
I picked up a Dragon-Slayer Katana (Karyn made) and headed to Dragonland.
Drakelord was tooling around annoying the dragons, too.
I tested this Dragon-Slayer and was sorely disappointed in it's performance.
It was too slow and leeched nada.
I'm spoiled.
The dragons tried very, very hard to kill me.
I outsmarted 'em and killed four or five.
However, Titans fall much easier and I need money for the jousting rewards.
I headed home to report the dismal results to Karyn.

Drakelord yelled across the lands and inquired into whether I owned a V-set.
Venom, vile, vulgar, vexed, vacation, vacillate, vacuum, vagrant, vague, vapor, virtue...
A Virtue Set.
Nope. I tell him.
The gears in my head grind and clank, I think he is going to offer me a set.
My first inclination is to turn it down. (See the first line of this tale.)
Then I realize that the only real bennie is "Blessed".
He tells me that he has an entire set except arms.
In Red chimes in and offers arms too.
We meet in Luna and POOF, Vin is Virtous.
All Drakelord asks in return is that I get him another Cloak.
That and that I help others later.
I put on my fancy new armor.
Before I can get that cloak I have to become a freind of the library.
Drakelord suggested that I grab those poison sacks before I get the quest.
"Smart". I think.
I run over to the area the Speckled Scorpions hang out and get started.
The Efreet and Imps play impishly but I prevail.
Several minutes into this, I realized that I could not remember how many of those things to get.
So, I got twenty.
The wax-wantin' dude only wants five.
He refused to take twenty even when I tried bribing him.
Anyhoo, I'm now freindly to the library.
I think it is going to take me on a date Saturday night.
Karyn, doesn't seem all that jealous.

Now, I know Gareth is going to set me back 225k.
How can I get 225000 gold quick?
Begging, whining, stealing?
I buy a six-pack and hand it to Maddwg and ask him for the gold.
I head to Gareth with three 75k checks.
Those raconteurs are such suckers!
Oh wait.
Gareth sends me around the lands to toss away that money.
Once I'm broke he gives me a Plain Gray Cloak.
Then I play some weird game of fetch with seven people scattered all over.
I return to Gareth, he seems done playing Simon Says and offers me some crappy shield.
I turn it down.
Quest over.
Pleased with myself I head to the bank to store the cloak until I can pass it to Drakelord.
Ruh roh!
Expain THAT!!!!!
It is blessed and a quest item.
So, I can't bank it, toss it or burn it.
The Quest is done.
What the %$#*&...^&^$#@# and the ^%$#@&@#!!!!! :evil:

I told you I was cursed.

Don't worry Drakelord. I stole one form Maddwg when he was in a drunken stupor (which is limited to when he is breathing.)
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Vin Decatur
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Postby AshOfCaine » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:42 am

Once you got the cloak did you go to the humility shrine? After you do that it should turn in to the cloak of humility for the virtue armor set.

Look at the bright side, at least you didn't accept the crappy shield.

When virtue set first came out I did this quest on several characters and sold the cloaks on my vendor.
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Postby Vin Decatur » Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:20 pm

Sure, I visited the Shrine. I don't understand. I have Humilty. My Humble cup runneth over. I'm just soooo humble and abounding in humilty. Are I not?

Do you think peeing on the Shrine was a bad thing?

This morning I notice I'm low on bandaids. I get mine from the Trogs. 10 minutes with them and I have 200 or more. I'm merrily gathering bandages when all of a sudden I get the message that my cloak is now a Cloak of Humilty. Just crazy.
Maybe the Shrine dried out?

Actually, I think it is because I'm part of PAS now. The most interesting things happen when I'm around PAS. There was the time Maddwg went to Fire Temple with PAS and ole DragonSnack wandered off on the roof of the temple. He was discovered fifteen minutes later off standing in a corner, unscathed. Then there was the time Maddwg was walking near Luna (I don't know why he was dismounted. Mowing lawns maybe?) As he passed the PAC house DragonSnack just poofed. Vanished even. Much later, Maddwg found him strolling around the roof of the PAC house. Apparently, DragonSnack likes PAS too.

BTW Drakelord, I have another Cloak for ya.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:37 pm

thanks, with help from others we have a set for PuP now, and we are working on more set for others that never had a chance to get it or just down and poor to buy it. Keep up the good folks, farm those anti-virtue dungeons for all these we can get!
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