Return of the Joker.

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Return of the Joker.

Postby Vin Decatur » Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:06 pm

Return of the
Vin Decatur's Version

I knew he would be just sitting around getting drunk in his bathrobe and slippers.
Contemplating the fact that UFO's have the ability to travel million of miles,
yet seem to require headlights.
Go figure.
I rushed into the house and shouted "The Maroons are coming, the maroons are coming!
"What are you talking about?" Maddwg asked.
"Have you seen the news?" I asked.
"News? What news?" He asked in leiu of a reply.
I flung the lastest Stratics news on the table.
"Hey, watch-a-lay the ale!" he exclaimed.
He glanced at the paper.
"So, that guild can beat this one 2vs974, but wait,
no it was 844vs3?" He asked sacrcastically.
"No, No! Further down." I replied in frustration.
"Hmm, Lefty left Cop, Balla may be back and"
"Sonoma invaded by FL and they intend to 'Colonize' us?" he paraphrased.
"Interesting." he said as he gulped more ale.
"We need to call a meeting." I suggested.
"Alright, round everyone up." Maddwg replied.
"Umm, can you get dressed first? Your bathrobe keeps coming open
and I really don't care to see that." I further suggested.
He dressed in his leetest PvP gear and returned to the table.
"This meeting of the Raconteurs Association, Sonoma Chapter, is now in session." Maddwg announced.
"Roll Call." he continued.
"Vin Decatur, Raconteur of PAS?"he called.
"Present." I answered.
"Maddwg, Raconteur of Sonoma?" he called.
"Maddwg? he repeated.
"That bastige is always late." I stated.
"Aye, the loaf." Maddwg agreed. "Oh wait, I'm present. All two of us accounted for."
With the roll call done, we discussed what this invasion meant to us.
After much discussion we agreed that this was an excellent time for raconteurs.
We voted and both voted to intervene in favor of Sonoma over FL.
Karyn passed the table and inquired into why Florida would invade Sonoma.
Apparently, she needed to imbide more alcohol!

We decided on a two-prong attack.
Maddwg would attack from wherever he was at.
I would attack wherever I happened to find FL.
A fine plan, indeed.
"Weapons of choice?" I asked.
"Hmm, let's try 'Second Nature' for Sonomans and
we shall each carry a volly of songs for FL." Maddwg ordered.
"Do they get a new color and what do we call them?" I inquired.
"Hmm, I need to drink on that. For now, the standard signals." he said.
We then ended the meeting with our secret signal,
giving each other the bird and breaking wind, loudly.
Poor FL, they have no clue what they have stumbled into.
It's a trap!
As I turned to leave, "Sing loudly and may you die often!" Maddwg said.
"Viva la Revolucion!" I replied as I waved and fell off my horse.
I headed out to follow my orders and Maddwg continued to get drunk.

Invasion my butt.
As a raconteur I will do what I can to support Maddwg's insanity.
As a member of PAS, I will abide the wishes of my King and the Elders.
I will keep my eye on that Maddwg and report his misadventures when I think you might enjoy them.

Vin Decatur,
Raconteur of PAS
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Vin Decatur
Posts: 182
Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:05 pm
Location: Santa Rosa, CA

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