The strange world of Ultima Online

A place for role played stories and other creative writings

The strange world of Ultima Online

Postby AlmondJoy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:47 am

*Authors note and introduction*

Sometimes we stumble upon, unique to us, experiences. Sometimes even when the experience is over memories come back to tickle our dreams. My time in UO is this way for me.

One of my favorite things in UO was that the player chooses "the end goal" as well as the depth of their play. It doesnt matter what your reasons are for playing UO, if you look for it you will find a place to fit in.

My playstyle involved a beginning theme, "Chivalry" and the actions that word conjure in my mind. silvermane evolved into my definition of chivalry personified.

As I played, her character was refined. Each person I interacted with left an impression.

Ive known many people in UO that RP (role play).

Some like to dictate rp, force their imagination (or lack of it) on others and then sit back in dismay when others dont choose to play by their rp.

Some play their characters to the toon of their own rp regardless of the other rps going on around them.

I chose to weave others perception of the UO world into mine, causing an everchanging tapestry of creativity and prose. Causing my characters to go through a process similar to real life maturation.

A while back, Pharon, Malachai and I, did a role played story for a Halloween time series of ingame events. A gold caravan hosted by PAS and a shard wide pvp event concieved by GTH but fairly unique in that it called for both sides to come together in peace for the planning.

While I dont necessarily agree with the editing Malachai did to bring the story to this forum, (specifically the order in which he put the seperate postings together) I am apreciative that he brought it, for it was a very gratifying endeavor. One I am told Pharon and Malachai enjoyed as well.

And so now, for those of you who actually like to read the stories other people design, I embark on a serial attempt. The telling of the life and times of silvermane and those she met ingame.

*note to those who read both forums, these snippets will also be posted on the GTH site*
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:50 am


A dull persistant tingling through her left arm, awoke her. As she became aware, the warmth of the body laying curled in her arms filled her with comfort. Slowly she inhaled the sweaty smoke filled scent of her lover.

Her hands moved over the heavily muscled shoulders and arms. Further down were the hands, hard and rough and marked by years at the forge. She lovingly caressed each scar.

Her hand strayed over the well formed thigh, moving then slowly over the stomach and finally coming to rest on the soft, small breasts.

"Shawnsa, my love, wake up, my arm is asleep,"

Shawnsa stirred and stretched, rolled over and smiled. Silver quickly moved her arm, flexing the hand to restore circulation. She looked into the deep green eyes, caressed the pale freckeled face.

As their lips touched thought retreated leaving nothing but comfort and pleasure and need............
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:51 am


All her life she had been obsessed with the pursuit of the question, "why?". Seeking the history of this world and the magics that flowed upon it. Consulting books in the Vesper library often to the point of fatigue, then visiting the sites and digging for more understanding.

Listening for hours to the ramblings of the elderly and the mad. Knowing full well much of history had never been recorded, but passed on in hushed storytelling or buried in the memories of those who had lived it.

And so it happened that one night as she was walking home from a late night study, she came upon Gregory. A foul smelling drunk who was often seen ranting to the undead that stealthed about the cemetary, for no one else could stand to stay long in his presence.

She had seen the man before, but like all others had paid him no heed. But on this night he had seemed more insistant in his rantings, the words, "Sorcery from a different world" catching her attention.

She stopped and offered him a drink from her wine skin, he grabbed it from her and drained it as though it were life itself she offered him. Then he turned to her, his face now visible in the torchlight.

She had to stifle a scream as she looked upon the eyeless sockets, the source of the foul odor now obvious as his face was marked with hundreds of scratches that oozed green puss.

"And now that ye have paid, ye must of course listen to my story."

"Of course, eagerly"

He cackled gleefully, "Ye will one day regret it lass, but come this story cannot be spoken where He might hear".

She followed him for over an hour, growing weary and becoming afraid it was not a story he was leading her to. But as the fear reached a point where she would run he stopped.

Before them was a cliff that dropped off into the ocean. "The way is secret lass, speak it not, just follow me." And then he stepped off the cliff.

She grabbed at him to save him from falling, but he did not fall. Instead he stood there seemingly in mid air, took a few steps and then dissapeared. She stood there a few moments, undecided of whether to follow him or not, and had to stifle a second scream as his bodyless head popped back into view.

"Come lass, the way is safe." he offered her his hand. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and accepted his offer.......

(to be continued)
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:51 am

She opened her eyes to see what appeared to be a smallish room filled with the man's possesions.

"What is this place?"

"You would not understand the answer till after you have heard my story. So if you dont mind, I'll be saving my answers till the tale is told."

He dug through a pile of debris till he found a small stool, and offered it to her. He bade her to sit, and she did, while he made himself comfy on top of the pile.

"Do ye fear truth lass?"

"I fear ignorance more." she quietly replied.

The man cackled again and mumbled to himself, "soon I be free. soon"

He pulled a sword from the pile and passed it to her.

"Sir I am a scholar this sword is no use to me."

"Look at it lass, see the mark? Would it surprise you to know that once I was an upstanding member of society? A craftsman, a husband, a father? Swordsmith to the King was I. But that is in my past. Now I am nothing more than what you see, a madman who does not exist."

"I am confused, of course you exist, I see you."

"Only you see me, because you seek truth, to others I am just a ghost in the night, an all but forgotten nightmare."

She sat in silence now, unsure if this man spoke truth or the gibberish of the insane. "Tell me your tale then and I shall listen."

------Gregory's tale--------

Once long ago, longer than any record we posess, there was but one world, one reality. The forces of good and evil battled for this world as they ultimately must. But evil, by number at least, was stronger.....

"Forgive me sir, is it not true that good is stronger than evil?"

Those who seek good MAY in fact be stronger, but evil's embrace is just as blissful as goods, and it is in our nature to follow the path of least resistance........ Evil knew that it had the advantage and so called for Armaggedon..... the ultimate battle between good and evil.

But good refused to lose, and managed to obtain the jewel of ultimate power, in an act of desperation the jewel was shattered, and with it the world, indeed reality itself.

On each small shard reality remade itself based on the perceptions and memories of those who inhabited it. That which no longer physically existed on each shard was simply forgotten or remade.

But reality cannot be destroyed. Concealed, forgotten yes. But not destroyed. And so on each shard, reality persists, even if its inhabitants refuse to see.

This room in which we sit it proof. On this shard this place does not exist, and yet reality wills it here.

"Then...... how did you find this place?"

Hehe I fell into it fleeing for my life and desperate for escape from the horrors I had just percieved as truth. I sought that which did not exist and it appeared to me.

"interesting claim sir, but I doubt you can prove a word of it."

Oh but I can, and I will, but before I do there are a few more things you need to know.

Good and evil was not divided evenly on the shards. In some worlds evil has already won. On some good has triumphed. But funny thing, without opposition all things cease to exist, and so slowly those shards flicker out

On one such shard a man of great evil stumbled upon a piece of ultimate truth. He used that truth to escape from his dieing world. Each world holds a piece of the ultimate truth, he is collecting those pieces for each piece opens a gateway to another world.

If he collects all the pieces Evil will win and all will cease to exist.

"can no one stop him?"

He can be stopped yes. I have stopped him for a time, but my time in this life grows short now. Green rot slowly eats at me and it will not be long before I am indeed driven mad, but death will be right behind if I am lucky.

There is a prophecy though. On some worlds a redeemer is believed to be possible, a creature that will one day be born who is unto itself both and neither good and evil. A being that creates its own opposition. He seeks that being. Seeks to control it. Seeks to use it to become a God.

I know lass you do not believe me. But I also know you will seek proof. Here then is a clue and a warning.

He dug out an old bag and handed it to her. She opened it to find 2 ancient books, a battered and bloody shield, and a ring with a family creast upon it.

If you wish to be percieved by this world you must live within its reality. Do not read the books. The books are this worlds piece of ultimate truth. Secrets and spells of the most ancient magics.

My mistake was reading them. The things I know now remove me from the reality of this world. I tried to stop the madness by plucking out my own eyes, but it was too late, truth is etched upon my mind.

My story is yours now. I will give you 3 weeks. Find in that time another place such as this. A place that will become your own sanctuary of non existance. When you find it, return for the bag. You must keep the treasures inside safe from all but the rightful heir.


Calli felt a force gather about her. Saw the madman mouthing unknown syllables wrapping her in a bubble of light and pushing her through the mountain and out of this place. Many questions filled her mind, and the mans thoughts came to her now enstead of words, answers to her questions.......

You will know the heir when it is seen..............
allies exist for you, if you keep your mind open and seek them.......
beware all items of willful non existance......


to all things a proper place and time.......

(to be continued)
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:52 am

The sisters.........

"All I really need to know AJ, is can you do it!"

Silver was becoming flustered with the child. She could not tell her the full reasons for what she asked, though she strongly wished she could. AJ wouldnt believe her anyway, not until it was too late.

"If I do this, can I keep one as a pet?" AJ's eyes grew wide with longing as an innocent smile filled her tiny face.

"I dont see why not," Shawnsa supplied. She could feel the tension building in Silver. Silver was not particularly known for her patience, and Shawnsa knew they would get no where with the 9 year old if they pushed her. Pushed, AJ was every bit as stubborn as her sister.

"I've never tried to talk to anything bigger than the stray cats in the garden, but they come to me quickly and willingly. Dogs are not much bigger, I can try to speak to them."

Silver was pacing now, Shawnsa knew she was going over the plan again and again in her head, looking for that unthought of detail that would doom their escape.

"AJ we dont have much time right now, we should be tending the garden and you know father gets angry when he sees us idly chatting." Shawnsa ran her hands over AJ's dark brown hair, "Just do your best little one. If you can do it without being noticed, talk to the dogs or whatever it is you do to charm animals. We must be ready before your birthday."

"I will try, but I wish you could tell me why I am doing this, father does not like it when anyone comes too near the dogs."

Shawnsa sighed, "It is part of your birthday present little one, and if we tell you it will not be a surprise."

AJ's face lit up, "In that case I will most definately try my best" She clapped her hands and skipped off to finish her daily chores.

Shawnsa watched her go then turned to Silver. "I need to head to the forge now I am already going to be late. Do you really think we can do this?"

"Does it matter? You know what gift "father" (silver spat on the ground as she said the word) will give her. I swore an oath that he would not do to her as he has done to every female on their 10th birthday. I'd rather slit her throat myself then have him shatter her innocence and trust."

Silver grabbed the pitchfork from where it rested on the tree and headed back towards the compost pile. "Go with love" Shawnsa cried out after her.

"Feel my love" was silvers only reply.
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:53 am


The sword was still in her hand. A solid reassurance that what had just happened to her had not been all in her mind. She wrapped it up carefully in her blue silk shawl and tucked it away in her back pack.

It was morning. Byron would probably be fit to kill her, having been gone all night. She smiled and sighed, the man truely was a blessing to her. No one else would indulge her as he did, willing to tend their beautiful children as she pursued her various obsessions.

She made her way home and was greeted by a room full of skirts and ponytails, her daughters all mobbing her with scolds and kisses.

There was Byron, sitting at the table finishing his breakfast. Merchant by trade, his cunning and wit made maximum use of the bits she dug up. Allowing them to live comfortably.

She settled the girls and sent them off to do their chores. He sat and just looked at her. She knew he wanted an explaination, NOW.

"Easiest to just show you this first." She took the sword from her pack carefully unwrapped it and laid it on the table in front of him.

His eyebrow cocked, he picked up the sword. It shimmered ever so faintly blue. He turned the weapon over and over. "Valorite, deffinately a Grand Master weapon, the forging is unique..... but I dont recognise the mark."

"I dont want that sold, at least not yet. I need it completely identified. I need to know who crafted it."

"Oh no trust me I want this identified as much as you, dont know what to charge till you know what you got."

"By the way," he said as he laid the sword back on the table and wrapped an arm around her waist, "You gonna tell me where you got it?"

"when you find out who made it, the story will make more sense, to both of us"

"Ah but for now you must be tired. Come let me help you get sleepy."

Calli blushed and let him lead her into the bedroom.
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:53 am

............another perception................

She rolled over to expose her belly to the beam of sunlight. Lazily stretching her paws out and arching her back.

She relaxed and then sprang up to smooth the fur on her chest. Paused momentarily to arrange the fur that now coated her tongue, into a ball small enough to swallow.

Finally she flopped back over onto her side and focused her dim grey eyes on the girlchild in front of her.

She voiced her call for attention, saw the girl inch closer and make noises she could not decipher. One day she would teach it how to speak properly, but for now the attempt to communicate audibly would do as proper respect.

The girl child had earlier let her see her mind pictures. The girlchild purred to share mind pictures with the 4 legs who stank, and followed the orders of the 2 legs.

She voiced that she was ready to send her mind pictures.
laced with annoyance she would even wish to share mind pictures with the ones who stank.
She imaged all things she knew of that could share mind pictures.
Yes she would help find the best one to speak to.

Then she stood and stretched, and flopped back down into the sunbeam, closing her eyes to listen to the silence.

later she opened her eyes to see the girlchild asleep, making 2 leg purring, her mind peaceful........ happy.

She stretched once again and walked over to curl up on the girlchilds chest. The steady beating heart, the warmth of the body. She purred loudly and let herself drift into true sleep.
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Postby AlmondJoy » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:25 am


She had found her secluded spot easy enough, once she understood what to look for.

Funny, she'd come here fishing so many times before and never noticed it. Ah well she thought, the fact she often came here might help explain her absences if need be. And it was far enough from the shore to not rouse any curiosity from potentual onlookers.

It still unnerved her somewhat to know she was walking into the water and standing in a void that should have held fish not humans.

She also wished she could build a fire, but as yet had not found a way to fashion a chimney that wouldnt leave behind a smoke trail. And the space defied magic so recalling was out. She would just have to stock the place with some dry clothes as well as food and a desk at which to study.

She still had so many questions, but Gregory had passed from this world. She had known him less than a month and yet his loss grieved her. He had told such fantastic stories of kings and betrayals and magics and confusion..... Now it was up to her to find proof of his rantings, somehow.

She found a spot to sit and dug out his journal, placing an hourglass next to herself to keep from losing all track of time. The book felt like him, as if a piece of him were alive in this book. She didnt know if it were magic or just her need to hold on to his memory as proof she was indeed sane.

She turned the hourglass and began to read
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Postby spode » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:33 pm

post s'more
I like stories about thespians.
I used to be a dog, but I then got better.
Not a better dog, I'm still a horrible dog.
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:21 am

-----Dark Runt------

*Hunger* *pain* *fear* *survive* *obey the alpha female*.......*hunger*

The emotions came to his mind over and over. The smallest of the pack, the last. Each day and unending flood of obstacles to his existance. Always fighting for just one scrap of meat, but the fight was getting harder, he knew he was weaker.

He had limped away to a corner far apart from the pack. Far enough most would leave him in peace. He just needed some sleep

He tried to not feel the emptimess of his stomach, he tried not to feel the waves of weakness that were hunger itself.

His mind drifted........

*you are not well, I can help* the mind picture caressed him awake, and then he started.

*stranger* *fight* his mind slammed back. And then he wated, tasted the pictures that came to him. Female, young

*dont be afraid* *I wont hurt you* The pictures came softly, he did relax

*we will hunt together* *we will eat together* the pictures sung to him now, promising things he desperately needed

*I will defend* *you will defend* yes, the agonizing sweetness of the promise of loyalty

*Ive always wanted a friend like you*

All he could send in return was need, he tried to let her feel what was inside him.

The caress came back briefly, *sleep now* *wake and eat*
The image of a spot near the human garden filled his mind as he slpped into dreamless sleep
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:26 am


A natural stream ran underground, shot out here to form a waterfall into a natural pool, before it continued on through other cracks in search of the sea. He had found this cavern just after he moved to this area, inspired by its beauty he had transformed it into his personal lair. Around the pool were hallways leading off to rooms he used to pursue his various entertainments. A Stairway near the fall led upwards to the estate he had built into the mountain above. A Man made ledge ran along the back of the cavern, built to give him full view into the pool below.

He sat alone on his throne, looking down into that pool. Alone save for the shadows that lingered in this place. If he listened to them he could taste their thoughts, most of them wished him dead in some colorful but distateful method. Next to him was a skeleton sitting on a second throne. The remains of the one woman he had ever loved.

If he tried very hard he could summon the image of her beauty, make flesh appear on her bones, even reanimate her. But her hatred of him was so strong that it clung to her even in death.

Could she not see how much he loved her? Could she not just forgive him for murdering her husband and destroying her old life, her old world? Could she not see all that he offered her in return for simply loving him? He sighed in lonliness and his heart ached, ached for this one thing he craved that forever denied him. He knew it was foolish, knew he was only setting himself up for more pain for more rejection, but he could not resist......

"Savina my dear, awaken!"

Dust whirled about the thrones, spinning upwards surrounding the bones, slowly subsided leaving behind a body of flesh.

She took in a ragged breath saw him and cried. Why oh why did she always cry when she woke? Did she not know her tears weakened him? Gazing upon her he knew he would give up all he had, all he pursued. Spend eternity loving her, making love to her, if she would only just forgive him and love him in return.

"Do not cry my love, I love you so that I cannot bare your tears."

Slowly her eyes moved upwards to his. He held his breath hoping to this time see something besides hatred in her pale blue gaze.

She hissed "Then why do you torment me? Release me! Let my soul be reunited with the one I love, the one you destroyed!"

Sadness filled him once again as he saw that anger and pain in her eyes, "I can not. Can not realease you. I need you. Need you as mine body, heart and soul."

She laughed, "I know of your needs, every despicable one of them. You think to wear me down keeping my soul trapped here. You think one day I will waken and see my foolishness and give in to you. But by keeping me near, you have given me sight to all that you do. I see the pain you continue to inflict on others, I know all your dirty little secrets!"

"But you also know why I do what I do. To bring the world together again, to recapture its lost beauty!"

"Restore the world as one so that you can hold dominion over it and all in it, yes I know your twisted dreams." She stood, he rose with her moving to take her hand, but she pushed his hand away.

"You could stop this Savina. But pledge your love and I would give up all other pursuits. Restore your life and be content to rule just this shard of the world with you by my side."

"You lie to yourself as much as to me. You cannot change the nature of what you are, any more than you can change my hatred of you to love. And every life you destroy creates a shadow, a shadow that whispers to mine. I see what you are creating, but you are blinded by your selfish wants and desires. You create your own death fool!"

Unthinking, he slaps her and grabs her arms pulling her close. "Do not speak to me that way! You are wrong! By the gods just let me prove my love to you!"

Her body shook with laughter, "or what? if I refuse would you kill me again?" She kneed him in the groin and pushed him away. "Let me save you the effort little man!" She turns and dives from the ledge, snapping her neck in the shallow pool below. The spell broken, her body returns to the dust on the floor, leaving Trogar alone once again.

He collects her bones and returns them to their place on the throne, seething with anger,rejection and lust.

He sits back down on his throne and pulls the bell cord near him. A robed servant answers the summons. "Bring my whips and that called silver"...........
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Postby AlmondJoy » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:27 am

The evening meal was long over the girls tucked in bed. Calli and Byron shared a bed of pillows near a neatly laid fire. Holding each other and talking.........

*Byrons story*

"I met a very interesting young man today in the streets of Brit. A young boy, no more than about 13, claiming to be a page in the service of King David."

Calli sat up running the name through her head, but she could not recall hearing that name before. "I never heard of a King David, can you tell me any more?"

"Oh indeed I can. The lad was very helpful. He handed me a runebook and told me to recall off it. I did and came out into the plaza in front of the Palace in Nujelm."

"That palace hasnt been used in years." Calli murmured.

"No it hasnt."

"But I knew I was in the right place for there on the flag flying over the palace was a part of the mark on that sword you brought me."

Calli's eyes grew bright, she could not believe her ears and she could not stop the smile that grew.

"Byron," she said laying back down to face him, "you are quite possibly the most delicious man on the face of the planet."

"So very glad you approve," he said as he pulled her close. "Want to guess what reward Id ask in return for my good deeds?"

"yum, I dont need to guess."

*quietly shuts the door*................**
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Postby AlmondJoy » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:19 am

**Nujelm Palace***

He hadn't slept well of late, a voice seemed to call to him from out of the dark. A voice that seemed somehow familar, and yet the more he tried to place it the more it slipped from him.

He knew full well to not discount such things, but he had no referants to know where to look for clues. And so an uneasy state had descended on him, as if he had forgotten something vitally important.

He paced slowly about the room. This room filled will memories, glad and hurtful. He kept these things near, almost as a compulsion, not wanting to ever again forget any part of his life.

A Knock roused him from his musings. Mc Duff, commander of his Royal Guard, slipped in the door. "David, you have a visitor. A scholar and historian from Minoc, Calli by name."

"Can she not make an appointment? I am not really of a mind to take an audience at the moment."

"Sir, you will want to see this sword."

David looked at his friend, Mc Duffs face neutral as usual but a hint of hope about the eyes....

"Send her in then."

Mc Duff left the room. A few moments later his voice could be heard round the palace. "Calli Neah, King David has granted your audiance, please follow me."

She was a trim woman, red hair as was common for some reason around the minoc area. Her face pleasant to look upon. She carried a bundle that could easily be a wrapped sword.

"Calli? the name is? What can I do for you today."

"Im not sure that you can do anything for me today, but I would like your impressions of this swotd."

She passed it to him still wrapped. He took it to the work table by the window where the light was best. Slowly he unwrapped it, took it in his hand, weighed it.

"A fine sword to be sure, who crafted it?"

"I was hoping you could tell me, look at the mark."

David turned the sword to read the crafters mark and was stunned.

"This cant be! This has to be a forgery! Where did you get this sword" Hope and anger rising within him, he turned to the woman.

"A madman sir, or so on the surface it would seem, Gregory by name."

David turned the name over and over in his head, briefly a flash of his fathers smithy, an empty space by the forge, then gone again.

"Sir? the mark?"

David focused again on the woman in front of him. "Come closer let me show you."

Calli approached and studiously looked where he pointed.

"Each Grandmaster smith has his own mark. But by tradition the new mark will contain a part of his masters mark to show where he learned his craft." "This part here indicates he was trained by my father, but this part I do not recognise."

"So you can give no validation to this?"

"I will be honest with you lady, it seems to me like I should know this name, but I do not."

"Perhaps if you read this." She withdrew a small battered book from her pocket. "It is one of the journals he intrusted to me, of his youth though written in retrospect."

"Where is this man now? Can you bring him to me?"

"no sir, sadly he passed from the world. He was buried at sea" She handed him the journal. "I will of course want this back, it is but a loan." " I trust a man determined to call himself the King of Sonoma will have the honor to return it."

"Ah" he takes the book from her hand, "So not a supporter of my cause?"

"No sir, as far as I know you have no claim to the title of King. Lord Brittish rules, even if he has not been seen in some time."

"Then why trust this to me?"

"Logic. Since I have met Gregory many things in this world have stopped making sense. Many things I have accepted as truth, now seem hazy at best. As a scholor and scribe this state of uncertainty is not acceptable."

David rewraps the sword and hands it back to her, accepting in exchange the journal she offered. "I will read this, think on it and then send for you to give you my thoughts. Is that acceptable to you?"

A polite smile and a nod, "perfectly, you will find me in an antiques shop in Vesper near the library."

David pulls on a bell cord, "my page will show you out"

Calli nods politely and follows the youth out the door.

"Duff enter!."

"You want her followed and investigated Im guessing?"

"You know me well my friend"

"Indeed, I am already on it."

................ to be continued
So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever, trust in who we are. And nothing else matters
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Postby AlmondJoy » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:26 am

He awoke slowly, the sun was high.
He wondered how the pack had not wakened him.
Something tickled at the back of his thoughts, seeming to urge him up and moving,
But he did not seem to be able to will his body into any form of compliance.
*Sleep* he sent out in return, drowsy again now, the world about him gray.
*not sleep* *death* *come*
He slowly looked about again, the world still a constant flood of gray,
His eyes adjusted down, and somehow, he was not disturbed that his body lay there motionless, eyes closed tight.
He was free, and promises were urging him on.
Tail raised high, he ran towards those promises;
leaving his body, and his old life behind him.
So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever, trust in who we are. And nothing else matters
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Postby AlmondJoy » Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:28 am

The girls were allowed an hour of free time at noon. Many times they would gather in the garden in knots of 5 or so. It was not uncommon to find the sisters together in the shade of a tree.

Silver sat with her back against a tree, soaking up the strength from the earth, the tree, the sky. She had been gathering the things she needed for the magic she was about to cast.

Shawnsa lay with her head in silvers lap, auburn curls swirling out over silvers thighs.

Beautiful Shawnsa, fields of tawny freckles broken up in patches by rosy pink skin.

Every curve screamed female, Despite the muscles that rippled under the surface.

Every inch beautiful, despite the scars from the burns that came with her skills at the forge.

Untainted by "Fathers" touch, because he feared she might be broken, her blacksmith skills lost.

Silvers temple, her rock, her grounding love, her biggest weakness.

She gave in to the urges, allowing her fingers to run through the mass of curls on her lap.

Touching Shawnsa there was no pain, no fear

Only comfort, focus and resolve.

She began braiding Shawnsa's hair as she often did. Adding in this time strands of her own pale blond hair, as well as some of AJ's deep brown.

Small flowers too were caught up in the braids, as Silver whispered the words that would set the spell.

"All done my love. You will not be burning it in the forge this day."

"I was enjoying your touch so much I was near sleeping."

Shawnsa sat up and stretched. Silver put her arms around her, pulling her close and whispering in her ear.

"We will make love tonight Shawnsa, my need for you is very strong."

They kiss. A soft, slow, smoldering kiss.

"Not now love, there is no time. But tonight."

Shawnsa sighed, "I will tingle all day."

"MMM as you should love."

The sound of running feet distracts the two. They look up to see AJ running towards them, stopping from time to time and seeming to toss a ball into the air. She stops a few feet from them and bends over, as though she were petting some sort of animal. But there was no evidence of such. Finally she walks over and flops down on the blanket. "Any meat left? I am famished."

__to be continued
So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart. Forever, trust in who we are. And nothing else matters
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