A messenger arrives at Nujelm Palace ...

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A messenger arrives at Nujelm Palace ...

Postby KDSonoma » Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:19 am

The messenger walked thru the series of guards posted at the Palace, arriving at the meeting room.

"I have a message that must be delivered to the King, it was posted in Britain" he said, clenching the rolled up parchment in his hand. He handed the parchment to the guard, who opened and read the contents.

The guard said "we will deliver this to the King immediately". The messenger nodded and then turned and walked down the hallway back towards the front gates.

The guard opened the door and held up the parchment over his head. "My King, a messenger has delivered this message just now. it was found posted in Britain."

KD motioned for the guard to bring him the message, and said "My apologies, ladies and gentlemen, for a slight delay while I read this message". The other PAS nodded and waited while KD read the message.

KD laughed and smiled, and then read the message aloud for all to hear.

"Citizens of Britannia!

Know that the Royal Council, in unanimous and glorious unity, has elected from amongst their noble selves a new man of the people, and for the people. Know that the Royal Ambassador Casca has been raised up to lead the people of Britannia in her times of peril and peace, as King pro-tempore, with all rights, statuses, and honors thereof.
Know that Lord Casca, ruler of the Kingdom of Britannia, shall lead his people with humility and grace, always striving for the greater good, always seeking to honor the Virtues our most just and magnanimous founder, our once and future king.

Know that this decision comes at a time of great uncertainty and trouble for the Kingdom, and that even our Lord Casca has been touched by these events. He hath survived the evil designs of evil men, who sought only to rain chaos down upon fair Britannia. Even as his noble brethren fell to fates most ignominious, he hath been preserved through his own power and prowess, an exemplar for the common man!

All hail Lord Casca, All hail our King!"

The room erupted in laughter.

"The Royal Council?" asked one PAS aloud. "Since when do they wield any power in Sonoma?"

Another PAS quipped "As his noble brethren fell? NOBLE?"

KD smiled and put his hand out to silence the others. "It is painfully clear that the rebel forces that supported Lord British and Blackthorne have chosen another patsy to try to claim ruling rights in Sonoma. They left off some very important pieces of information from this proclamation. Like the fact that Lord British was captured by PAS some 2 years ago, placed on trial, and declared by a jury to be insane. Blackthorne has not been seen in ages, and is assumed dead."

"So now these traitors to the people dare try to claim ruling rights in Sonoma? Apparently the elitist nobles are attempting once again to inflict pain and suffering on the people of Sonoma. We will NEVER allow that again. We are the PEOPLE's Army, and we must be sure that this Casca fellow does not harm any of our citizens."

KD turned to Magisbane Jr and said "Status report on the supply centers, Jr?" Jr replied "We have continued to resupply the centers with fresh food and water on the timeline you ordered, my King. All centers are full and ready to go".

"Excellent, thank you Jr." said KD as he rose to stand. "The Militia in all the towns are active and are sending reports daily regarding this small invading force of monsters. Let's make sure they also report any sightings of this Casca fellow. I am also authorizing 8th and 9th Army to move onto the continent and to begin patrols along all of the roads. I want the People's Army to be very visible. We need to send a message to these traitors that PAS stands ready to defend the people, anywhere in Sonoma."

"I am also releasing 5th and 6th Fleet from NJ, and ordering them to split up and patrol the coasts, especially near the dock areas of the various ports. They are to report and investigate any suspicious movements of ships."

"Karena, I want you to muster every Ranger you can find. We are stepping up patrols in fel. I have no doubt that these traitors will make every effort to hurt our citizens in the wilderness areas."

Karena nodded and replied "This will be done, my King".

KD paused for a moment and then said "And remember who we fight for, ladies and gentlemen ..."

Everyone stood, threw their fists in the air, and yelled in unison "THE PEOPLE OF SONOMA!"

"OK let's get to work!" said KD.
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Postby Sagan » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:25 pm

A missive for King David, True King of Sonoma

My Lord King,
Greetings. I must report on the sad state of our naval forces. Recruits are few and the ships are in a sad state of disrepair. I highly recommend a complete overhaul of all Naval personnel and equipment. And perhaps some training exercises to improve ship to ship combat as well as ship to shore combat.


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Postby Queen Mum » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:53 pm

Is the Royal Navy in need of new ships? If so please let me know as we have many in dry dock ... well enough for a fleet!!

(at least 25 are available)

Also let us know how the alliance/community/smaller but strong fighter guilds can help support the efforts. We can not allow this fork tongued smooth snake traitor to dictate how we live!
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Postby KDSonoma » Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:14 pm

a reply to Grand Admiral Sagan ...

My dearest Admiral: We have just retrofitted the entire fleet, and since no one had seen your flagship for some years now, we feared you were lost. I fear that you and your men have been at sea too long without shore leave.

Please return to NJ so that we might refit your flagship, and give you and your brave crew a well deserved shore leave.

And even though the People are grateful for what you and your men have done for us, the Palace is still OFF LIMITS. The naked chicks .. rumored to be there .. will panic if we tell them you and your crew have returned. It cost the People 2 million gold to repair the Palace and to replace the linen after your last shore leave.

We do not intend to have a repeat performance, if you catch my drift.

A fast vessel is ready to speed you and your men to the mainland where you can relax at Lord Blackthorne's former castle near Britain. It has been filled with wine and ... company ... for you and your men.

Welcome home, my friend!

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Postby Brianna » Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:49 am

thank you my generous King for sending word that the Navel crew has been "banned" from the palace...all of us girls were worried for our safety...but never fear you have rescued us once again

forever in your service...

Head Palace Guest Brianna
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Postby Sagan » Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:46 pm

As my king commands, so shall it be. *bows humbly*
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Postby KDSonoma » Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:51 am


Always great to hear from ya Sagan, my good friend! I always smile when I see a post is from Sagan.

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