A Message Arrives for Vash Kaelon

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A Message Arrives for Vash Kaelon

Postby kaylor » Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:33 pm

A fine vellum parchment, rolled and tied with a thin strip of black leather is delivered by hawk to its intended recipient. The bold, elegant script reads as follows . . .

MiLord Kaelon -

I've received word that you wish to see me, sir. That I've been summoned by the most skilled armourer in all of Sosaria greatly humbles this holy servant. You have only to inform me of where and what time best meets your convenience and you shall find me in your most estimable presence.

If it please you, reply may be sent by way of this bird who well knows its way back to its owner.

Sincerely at your service,

Kaylor McKairin

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Postby Vash Kaelon » Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:21 am

Lord Kay's quiet ruminations are shaken with a piercing cry and flourish of movement to his right. Swiftly he moves to the open window finding his trusted messenger, panting, grasping the perch some inches below the threshold.

"Returned so soon my friend?, hast thou news?"

Kaylor deftly removes the parchment from the bird's tenacious grip. Unfurling the scroll, it appears severly beaten, though it was dispatched pristine only 2 days past. Below his fine script, in a roughly scrawled hand he reads...

Sire McKairin,

You do honor me, more than my worth. Tis true I have need to meet thee, for I have a commission from the House of Tholl that demands I do not tarry in it's completion. I am confident, that you will leave our meeting not regretting the time or effort it requires.

If it dost not interfere with the pressing demands, and I know they are many, placed upon you fine servant noble I would beg your presence in Luna on the next Sabath. I should not require more than a quarter of the day my liege.

I bid you fair travels and will await your arrival. I have secured a room over the Luna Bank

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Vash Kaelon
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A dispatch to PAS HQ1

Postby Vash Kaelon » Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:57 pm

The Page ran through the halls with the swiftness of a gazelle, careful not to disturb the busy Guild helpers going about thier tasks, nor knock some precious item from a table or shelf. An agile right turn and up the exposed exterior stairs to the large ante chamber.

There he confronts a stone wall of a man yielding the most magnificent Ornate Axe he had ever seen. Stopped in his tracks he peers with trepidation into the face of the Axe wielding giant. *Shiver runs through him as the hair on the nape of his young neck stand on end*

*The guard stares down at the wisp of a lad, raises one black furry eye brow, and a large smile breaks across his countenence.*

"Speak your piece roof rat, and be on your way" *he glowers over the youth, now quickly gathering his composure*

"I have a message for Lord Tholl" *The giant extends his ham-hock of a hand and the boy places a folded, soilded scrap of paper into it.*

Recognizing the scribble on the note as that of the Lord's favored smith, the Guard bids the lad to be on his way. *thinking* "Why does every message from this one appear as though it spent time in his forge?"

Holding the note, so as not to damage it any further, Agoth lumber's up the stairs in the front SW face of HQ1. Pausing only to rap once on the door he enters the chamber. Finding Lord Tholl, as he expected he would, behind a desk littered with maps, scrolls, ledgers and such.

*Chalnoth Tholl, tempered, but looking younger than his years, glances up from his macinations*

"Good Argoth, what is it?"

"A note MiLord...from the smith"

"ahhh fine fine, bring it here please." *Glancing past the guard moving toward him, he thinks "hope this is no string of excuses". * He takes the note, snapping it open, he bends his head tward the desk and reads:*

"MiLord Tholl,

I trust this missive will find you well. I am pleased to report that I just today completed and delivered your recent commisson to the young Lord McKairin. I found him to be a proper noble Knight, gracious to a fault. I will say only that I am quite certain he was much impressed with your gift. I assure you it met your highest standards for arms of the realm. Taking your leave I will note that this task was well a forte night ahead of our agreed schedule.

Loyal in your service,

*Nice work my friend Vash. We must make this Knight feel the true warmth and generosity of The Peoples Army. It is his ilk, that make a Guild strong and lasting*

*Realizing a presence, Tholl snapped up straight, turned* "Argoth, no reply.. you may go."

"Yes, MiLord"

Returning to his papers Chalnoth, with so many matters to address, breaths deep, a short pause for satisfaction, in an otherwise routinely frenetic day....*So the young Knight liked it...good...this is good.*
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Vash Kaelon
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Postby kaylor » Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:55 pm

Kaylor strolled through the abbey attempting to remain as inconspicuous as possible. The sweet, soulful voices of the monks' chants surrounded him in melodious piety. Reaching the chapel he placed a gloved hand upon the ancient wooden aperture, taking a moment to admire the beauty of candlelight from within glimmering reverently through its stained glass depiction of religious sanctity. A loud creaking welcome preceeded his step as he slowly made his way inside. Closing the door gently behind him he walked toward the altar, kneeling before the holy symbol of devotion and, crossing himself, lowered his head in prayer . . .

Heavenly Father, I've returned to this place with intense trepidation. Until recently fear was little more than a word, description of emotion I knew nothing of. Suddenly it slithers through my soul, sardonic and threatening. All that has gone before weighs heavily upon remembrance, recollection giving me pause in pursuit of brighter tomorrows. Yet here I find such grace as that I've never known. Lord Chalnoth gifts me with armour crafted by commission with skill beyond compare in this world or mine own. I pray that I may serve this magnanimous luminary with equal grace, return to him through strength that which he gives selflessly to me. Amen.
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