Short story for Kaeles

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Short story for Kaeles

Postby Cerberus A » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:50 pm

“Sit back children and listen. I will tell the tale of one of our ancestors and his adventures. It's just the thing to keep the night at bay tonight. I will tell you of how Kaelis met his friend Ancy.”

5 pairs of eager eyes started at the old man from around the campfire. A hard days travel and a heavy stew for dinner was working it's own kind of magic on the children. As the adults either stood watch or readied the wagons for another days travel, the grandfather began the tale.

“It was a day like any other for Kaelis. He was sailing his ship”

“The Revenge” interrupted the oldest.

“Quiet Marco” said his younger brother.

“Marco is right,” grandfather said. “Kaelis ship was called the Revenge. Though at the time when Kaelis met Ancy, the fine ship hadn't even a single cannon to it's name. It had yet to live up to it's christening and was more suited to a merchant's ship, than the vessel we know of from later years.”

“Kaelis was still trying to find his way in the human's world and was doing jobs for fish mongers, traveling the seas in search of all manner of fish. Honing his skills on sea monsters and building his contacts for the day when he could truly start hunting those who had slain his kin.” Grandfather paused for a drink, then resumed his tale.

“The day had been remarkable only for how unremarkable it was. His traps lay in the water, gently bobbing from time to time, and not so much as an eel had he seen. As he was making his last pass for the day, his delivery crates stuffed with all manner of lobster and crab, a ship came up on his aft port quarter. It was a ship unlike any Kaelis had seen before, a ship of humanoid make. Crafted by Orc hands, not human or gargoyle. Kaelis quickly began pulling his traps in, for it was a long sail back to where he got them. He had waited too long though, the Orc ship opend fire with a massive broadside.”

“He didn't use his magic bow, grandpa?” asked Quill, the middle child.

“This was before he had the bow, child. He had not yet met Nightfall or Lord of the Forge. So here he was, a long sail from land and the evil ship closing in firing cannon after cannon. The evil mages on the ship were hurling all manner of spell at him. He had only a bow that he had salvaged from a wreck, and few arrows as he had been at sea for many days. Soon, the Revenge was too damaged to even move, floating in the water like a massive lobster trap. Kaelis was only alive because he managed to hide in the hold. But he had a plan. His people's way was the way of the trickster. Kaelis ran up on deck in full view of the orc crew, but before they could resume shooting, he hurled a magic egg to the deck and disappeared in a cloud of colored lights. When the orcs boarded the Revenge, they found only fish, no gold, so departed in disappointment when they could find no signs of their prey. They figured he was a minor mage and had used magic to escape.”

“After the orcs departed, Kaeles came down from the mast where he had hidden among the rags of the sails. Kaeles had no way to help the Revenge, and only a small row boat to set to sea with. After 2 days he made it to shore, half starved and dying of thirst. He literally washed up at Ancy's feat, and the mage took pity on Kaeles. He himself knew the love of a captain for his ship. He helped Kaelis to limp the Revenge to shore, where they could work on the ship. As the two worked on the Revenge, they became friends. True friends by hard work.” Grandfather finished. Only Marco was still awake, and he barely.

“Sleep well Marco, tomorrow is another day. We'll soon be back home.” And Marco slept.
Cerberus A
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Postby Ancyous de Vaile » Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:41 pm

The wind roared like thunder, blowing with such force that even the strongest found it difficult to keep their feet, clinging with grim clasp to rigging and railing. Masses of fog swept over the ship dank and cold, yet some distance could be seen in the glare of lightning as it exploded in violent incandescence over the burgeoning swells.

About to descend below decks Muerte abruptly paused, his attention captured by the sudden appearance of an Orc warship off the port bow. Sails set and guns manned it raced through the storm as though heedless of peril. He shook his head, lips tightening against the beasts' foolhardiness. "Davy Jones take you," he sneered. White cresting waves crashing hard over the foc'scle, he lowered his head and stepped out of the torrent. "And whatever misery your course contrives, may it be returned to you a thousand fold before he does."

A little after midnight came a strange sound from over the sea, high overhead the air carrying a faint, hollow booming. Muerte scrambled out of bed, but by the time he'd managed to pull on his trousers and make his way to the quarterdeck there was nothing but silence and darkness awaiting him.

"Did you hear that?" he queried of his First Mate standing watch at the helm.

"Aye Cap'n," the officer replied. "Can't say what it was , though. Some sorta fight'n be me best guess, but off a far piece a'stern and over real quick-like if'n so."

Muerte gazed into the darkness, a deep look of concern furrowing his brow. "Hard about, Edan," he ordered. "Recall sound to substance. We'll find its source."

*to be continued . . .
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Postby Ancyous de Vaile » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:30 pm

Ancyous made haste to the prow, lowering his cowl to sense the seas despite the chill wind that clawed at his countenance. "Entu aradda eluman dien." Ancient words, ancient wizardry, he closed his hands over the railing awaiting their transcendental guidance. Once more the rain began to fall bringing with it a darkness so thick that only familiar judgment would serve as lantern through the concealing obscurity - familiar judgment and the whisper of a spectre's conjuring . . .

There came a sound growing in the ebon, a gathering storm indistinct yet separate from the surrounding torrent. Ancyous listened intently . . . an exhausting pitch conveying its clue within the piercing clamber of roiling seas and raging tempest. He raced back to the quarterdeck taking control of the helm himself. "South to Buc's Den!" he shouted as he steered his ship sharply alee without sparing time to explain.

Absolute stillness reigned as the ghost and his quartermaster stepped ashore. In the distance night's waning secrets slithered their way through the alleys between brothel and vessel, drunken sailors groping the last vestiges of shore leave with deliberate abandon. At the edge of the tide's ebbing reach a weak gasping of life's precious breath crept over the shuddering silence in a sudden rush of last desperation.

Ancyous turned toward death's haughty hovering to find a man's convulsing shadow in the sand not six feet from where they stood. He made his way to the man's side, lowering to his knees and lifting him into his arms. "Viyae entolu berviwe." Once again the ancient words entreated druidic enchantment as gasping breath became less shallow and death skulked away empty handed.
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Ancyous de Vaile
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