Soul Reaver

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Soul Reaver

Postby Sethos » Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:05 pm

Ten souls, Sethos. It's a simple choice, really. You long for vengeance. I am offering it to you, however refuse me and find yourself eternally damned while your enemy reaps the rewards of your defeat. Even now he rapes the world of its innocence . . . something you would be able to end if you weren't so craven to let go of your virtue. So I ask you now and for the last time - do I have your agreement or don't I?


The mist parted away revealing a cobalt blue sky overhead. Sethos stood upon a rocky crag jutting out from the side of a mountain, where he did not know. It was hot. It was cold. It was day. It was night. Tomorrow. Yesterday. Everything and nothing. But what it was not was oblivion. The music of freedom played its sweet melody in the air round him, vengeance an undeniable attainment awaiting his design. He would ask no questions about his existence for instinct told him he
was the answer to them all.

"It's an ancient weapon forged of mythos and magic - a tool of darkness, an instrument of death." Sama'el placed the bow in Sethos' hand, watching closely as he wrapped his fingers over the ancient obsidian. He was a beginner without skill, without knowledge and no one to train him, yet there was no hesitation in his grasp, no hint of fear. His thirst for revenge paired perfectly with the bow's hunger.

"Possessing a voracious appetite, your new weapon unleashes a tempestuous fury that empowers its owner to strike at the heart, reaving the victim's soul." Sama'el smiled with sardonic secrecy. "But hold this warning well - should you not keep it fed it will force you to kill indiscriminately until its hunger is satisfied."

He would disclose nothing more. If Sethos knew all, he would doubtless regret his decision, preferring oblivion over what lay in store. Freedom of choice remained his only until the bow became bonded. Once that was accomplished there would be no turning back and, now that he held the weapon in his hand, it was imperative the feeding began. The more the bow was used, the faster it would evolve and the stronger it would become, bringing them ever closer together.

"I am about to return you to the world. Kill the first five mortals you come upon. Whether warriors, women or children, whine to me not about virtue. You've made a commitment Soul Reaver!

*to continue*
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Postby Sethos » Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:14 pm

Night flowed into the village like the dark waters of a river, submerging the day in its gentle current. The villagers slept peacefully adrift in their dreams, unaware of death's presence as Sethos appeared in the square. The full moon's light spilled onto his hand casting eerie shadows over the bow, it's construction a solid mass possessing neither grace nor form. Unmistakably lethal, Sethos sensed there was something more, something secret and horrifying, something just beyond his grasp.

A chill wind blew in from the north. Was it winter? Who knew? Ten years lost. Not only years, his soul. And for what? He would find him and when he did the bastard would suffer a death like no other. But first . . . why this? Five innocents. Soul Reaver. It made his skin crawl. He'd agreed to ten souls. Never did it cross his mind he would be sent to kill innocents. If he'd have known . . . . .

"Well, now, ain't you a perty sight!"

Lost in thought, Sethos hadn't noticed the prostitute walking toward him. Skirts tucked up in her belt, bodice unlaced and revealing more than he cared to see, she pressed herself against him. She smelled of sour rum and stale sex. He recoiled in revulsion, memories of another, similar but deadly, yet fresh in his mind. "Don't touch me!" Before he quite knew what he was doing she lay dead at his feet, her soul surrendering to the bow as he withdrew the arrow from her heart.

"One," he whispered to himself turning away. It wasn't difficult to kill a whore. She was probably in a better place now anyway. Even hell would be an improvement. "Right, Sethos. Keep telling yourself lies like that. Maybe one day you'll believe them," he sighed, turning to leave.

He looked like a pirate with his fancy long coat and tall black boots, his golden earring glimmering in the pale moonlight. She knew better than to approach a perfect stranger, especially at this later hour, but she'd lost her way and hadn't seen anyone else since leaving the docks well over an hour ago. Mustering all her courage she snuggled her baby sister closer and drew a deep breath. "Excuse me, sir."

Sethos froze, his weapon hand turning to ice. Another female? And surely that wasn't the whimpering of an infant. He didn't want to know. Couldn't bring himself to turn around. Evil's dark talons clawed at his conscience, the bow demanding satiation. "Go away," he warned. "I can't help you. RUN!"

Frightened, she screamed and ran, her sister falling from her arms as she tripped over her skirt, a flaming arrow the last thing she saw as she tumbled to the ground.

Sethos centered his sight on the flailing babe, the bow drawing his unwilling hand back to nock. Good Lord, what had he done? He may no longer have a soul, but what there was left of him surely could hope for redemption if only . . .

Lowering the bow to his side he closed his eyes, allowing his tears to flow unchecked.


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Postby Sethos » Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:19 pm


I've killed twice more - a gentleman I came upon while taking my leave of the town and a soldier who happened by with intent to stop me.

While it is I who wield the weapon, my hand is forced by a wrath so vile it defies description. I am uncertain as to its source, but realize my vengeance as its creator. Beyond my control, it controls me. I've stepped well past fulfilling obligation to murder for selfish gain.

Sama'el needn't worry of my whining after virtue for I've now betrayed them all. Projecting blame upon another would prove as futile as placing blame upon the sun, the moon, the stars. I alone have cursed myself with this and I alone must now pursue its end.

Five yet await their destiny . . . . .
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