EM Event: Tuesday, January 28

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EM Event: Tuesday, January 28

Postby Queen Mum » Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:37 am

From the Sonoma EM Event website:
Things were not making sense to Amonos. All the little papers that had been left by Daniel asked that He bring books and research to Lulu. Daniel guarded his research carefully. Didn’t the man in Tokuno say that Daniel was going back to the orphanage to meet up with Lu?

He was pacing the floor thinking about all the possibilities when a large Raven landed by his feet. He looked down and noted the small tube tied to its leg. Carefully he approached and removed the cylinder. The raven pecked at his hand but Amonos still was able to hold the note. Wings flapped and the bird took to the sky.

Opening the scroll, Amonos was able to make out Daniels hand writing.

I have observed Natasha in various places searching for me. I dare not approach her as I fear the Shadow Dweller controls her more than she controls herself. She wishes to die because evil growing inside her is greater than any she could have been on her own. The Shadow Dweller wants her to die so that the crystals forming on her skin disperse and attach to other animals and people. Amonos…YOU MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. It is time. You must find Natasha and have Lulu cast her spell.

Amonos was confused. Wouldn’t Daniel be better at facing this woman? Daniel was still missing.

Meet at the Serpent hold Guard Hall (AKA Counselor Hall) Tues Jan 28 . 6 PT 7 MT 8 CT 9 ET
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
Queen of Cookies
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