PAS Sonoma Public Ventrilo Server

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PAS Sonoma Public Ventrilo Server

Postby KDSonoma » Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:56 am

PAS now has a public ventrilo server available to players that play on Sonoma. The goal is to encourage more UO players on Sonoma to participate in EM events, PAS shard events, and any other events happening on Sonoma.

We also encourage players to use the server 24/7 to talk with their friends while they play UO.

We do ask players to keep the language clean, as this is intended to be a family style ventrilo server. Griefing and harassment of other players will also not be tolerated, and players that violate the spirit of the server risk being banned from using the server in the future.

For the connection information to log into this public ventrilo server, please see this post on the PAS forums:

For tips on setting up ventrilo in order to use this free server, please see this post:

For a link to the forum for this public server, please go here:

Registered users on the PAS forums are able to post private messages to KingDavid, the gm of PAS. Registered users can also post public messages on the public ventrilo server forum. KingDavid can also be reached at icq 655-169-564.

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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:12 am

*bumps to keep the post at the top of the forums*

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Postby KDSonoma » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:37 am

Do you have a small group of friends (5 or less), or a small guild (5 or less) that play UO on Sonoma and you do not currently have access to a hosted Ventrilo server?

The People’s Army of Sonoma (PAS) has set up and pays for a Sonoma public Ventrilo server that is free for Sonoma players (hosted by Phase 1 opened the server up to any players that wanted to use the server when a shard or EM event was taking place, to help folks talk to other Sonoma players during the event (since typing and reading ingame can make attending those events challenging). The server was also available for friends that wanted to talk to each other while they did a hunt or other event ingame.

During phase 1, we told Sonoma players that the Sonoma public Ventrilo server was not intended to replace any guild Ventrilo servers (to allow enough slots for Sonoma players to attend shard events or go on small hunts).

We are now opening phase 2 of the Sonoma public Ventrilo server to allow small groups (5 or less) of friends or guilds that would like a private sub-channel of their own on the Sonoma public Ventrilo server. The person requesting the private channel will let us know the password they want to pass along to their friends or guildmates that will allow them to join that sub-channel.

No other players will be able to join your private sub-channel unless you provide them with your password, except for PAS Elders that are the administrators for the server (and we would not join a private channel unless we absolutely needed to talk to a player or group).

Anyone interested in reserving a free private subchannel on the Sonoma public Ventrilo server can icq KingDavid (KD) of PAS at icq 655-169-564.

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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:57 am

*bumps to the top*

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Public vent server closing the first week of November 2014

Postby KDSonoma » Thu Oct 30, 2014 6:39 pm

Due to a lack of demand, we will be closing the public ventrilo server the first week in November 2014.

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Postby Presto Elder » Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:27 pm

Thats really to bad,
I knid of liked it being there.
It was nice to know we had it,
in case we had a problem with our main vent.
sort of a backup
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Postby KDSonoma » Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:39 am

have we had any issues with our private PAS ventrilo server? The only downtime we had that I recall was when they needed to do maintenance on it once a year or so, and it was down for about 10-15 minutes.

The good news is we can have a new one set up in less than 10 minutes 24/7 if we run into any problems (plus I can move it to a different server with the host in less than a minute also if they have a single server issue).

I read recently that they have an incredible number of servers to host all the ventrilo/teamspeak etc servers that they support, so people can swap to a different server without needing to talk to anyone at the company.

I've been extremely impressed with the uptime, support, and ease with which we can do things as admins.

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