PAS meetup at KDs house July 10-13, 2008

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Post by KDSonoma » Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:24 pm

ok nobody make a move to book anything!

The meetup is canceled for this year ... I'm having a real problem getting time off at work under a new boss, and July is our busiest month.

I spoke with Bertha last night, and she spoke with my wife today and was able to move her train trip to see her brother without losing money, so its officially canceled now for 2008.

Think of it as more time to save money for next year's trip! Thanks beth for being understanding about my job .... I love what I do, and things will get much better, but we are going thru a MASSIVE reorganization right now in our school district.


Post by Endrik » Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:28 pm

I have never been able to attend with school and all... and this year will be the same. Gas and tuition are both bottomless pits. But one day I would really like to make it and meet some of you IRL face to face.


Post by reddogg » Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:40 pm

well if i hadnt adopted these last 2 kids i could of made it i didnt have no idea how expensive it was going to be an i wanted to go so bad i can still taste it but unfortanally the little ones comes first an im last thats the way it has to be because thats the way i was brought up ur kids first an u last an i love all 11of my kids an grandkids so sorry i cant make it ha i can hardly play the game with the 2 new ones one is just year old an other is 5 they take up alot of my time but i do play when i get abreak an if im not tired they can ware me out wow i really wish i could make it

Post by Brianna » Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:53 am

im out this year also instead im taking a trip to georgia to meet shino and kinsen

Post by Tracy » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:32 am

Really wish I could, but I'm out this year.


Post by KDSonoma » Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:27 pm

ok its time for a roll call on who might make it to Austin tx to my house this summer for the meetup.

I know Bertha is coming, thats a lock cause she already got her train tickets so she can ride from Austin to Chicago to visit her brother after the meetup.

Anyone else still a possibility?


Post by wild flower » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:42 am

Sorry KD and all but Haplo, Booger and I will not be able to attend this year after all. If the gas prices keep rising like they are we won't be going anywhere and that includes my schooling. Thankfully Haplo lives about 6 blocks away from work.

Hope everyone has a blast and please take lots and lots and I mean lots of pictures.

Post by wild flower » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:25 pm

Looks like me, Haplo, Booger, Bri and Littleman will be coming. We are trying to talk Odin into coming too but he may not be able to make it. We are renting a mini-van -- that way if it breaks down they give us a new one and keep moving on. We will be leaving on Wednesday before because it takes us two days to get there.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

See you there!!

Post by Big Bertha » Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:02 pm

I 'll loan your my prepaid credit card if plane ticket is less than $500 dollars. Don't want you ruining your fingernails by all that carving. LOL

Post by Ciara » Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:33 pm

*starts carving canoe to cross the Pacific*


Post by KDSonoma » Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:02 pm

heck yeah Im up for it, hopefully its even more folks this time.


Post by Big Bertha » Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:28 pm

Are you really ready for a repeat of last time? If you are up to it; I would truely enjoy coming back for the fun and companionship.

Post by Tracy » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:56 pm

Wish I could, but seems as though I won't be able to afford it...
And my wife's drill weekend is that weekend, so if I do manage to make it I'll have the baby in tow.

Post by Brianna » Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:54 am

i will be there barring nothing major going on

PAS meetup at KDs house July 10-13, 2008

Post by KDSonoma » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:11 am

its official, I will be hosting another meetup of PAS members at my house in RL in Austin, Texas, starting July 10, 2008 (Thursday) thru July 13, 2008 (Sunday).

Last year we had 13 PAS here at my house, and were able to sleep 10 here at the same time, in order to save the cost of a hotel room.

Last year all we did was hang at the house, play on the computer network here in the garage room (5 computers), and a few PAS brought their own computers to connect to the network.

It got a little cramped with that many people but it was a blast.

Ill pay for all the food and drinks, and will provide for sleeping arrangements for up to 10 people at the house. Then there are plenty of decent hotels nearby at around $60 a night, some less, some more.

If we get enough people that want to do it, we might also take a trip to Six Flags amusement park in Dallas/Ft Worth.

If we go to Six Flags I will also help on ticket costs and buy at least half the cost for everyone, and/or I can help with some of the hotel costs.

We have an international airport here in Austin (Bergstrom), and Ill be glad to pick anyone up that flies in. I can also pick up anyone at the train or bus stations in Austin or Round Rock (I live nearest to Round Rock, on the north side of Austin).

So post here with questions, comments from the last meetups, ideas for things to do while here. We tend to just sit around talking about UO, life, etc for most of the time. We will have a cookout at least one night with bbq chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.

So how many might be able to make it this year?


