EM Event: BRING IT ON CATSKILLS!! (T-Hunt Challenge)

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EM Event: BRING IT ON CATSKILLS!! (T-Hunt Challenge)

Postby Queen Mum » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:46 pm

From the Sonoma EM Events website ...
T-Hunt Practices (9/01 & 9/06)

Time to gear up and defend our title of T-hunters supreme (and of course our trophy)!

The contest to find the best of the best treasure hunter teams on Sonoma will be held Saturday (9/10) at 6pst. This is a team based event where teams race to be the fastest to complete all seven levels of treasure maps. It is not only for treasure hunters. Anyone with a combat character can get in on the action.

The top two teams will be going on to play the very best treasure hunters from Catskills in a cross-shard tournament on test. The victors will bring home a very special trophy that will be displayed proudly in their homeland, that is until the day they are challenged and defeated by another shard.

To help prepare for this challenge, two practices sessions will be Thur (9/01) and Tue (09/06) at 6pst. (But feel free to practice on your own!)Meet at the Nujel’m Chessboard. Maps will be provided.

We will be using EM Tailspin’s rules (with some minor updates) from the last t-hunt challenge:


To take part in the first competition on the 10th you will need to ready a team that meets the following requirements:

You may have between 2 and 5 members in your team. It is highly recommended having as close to 5 as possible.
One of your members must be a GM Treasure Hunter, having GM Cartography, GM Lock Picking. GM Mining is optional but recommended.
On the day of the competition you will need to prepare a book with your member names listed on the first page. Your Treasure Hunter will need to be at the top.


To sum this all up:

Sonoma t-hunt race practices:
Thur (9/01) and Tue (9/06) at 6pst. Meet at the Nujel’m Chessboard.

Challenge to determine which two teams will represent Sonoma:
Sat (9/10) at 6pst. Meet at the Nujel’m Chessboard.

Battle with Catskills on Test:
Sat (9/17) at 6pst. Meet at the Nujel’m Chessboard.

Okay, so you may be asking ....Why is this happening???

Again from the Sonoma EM Events website ...
T-Hunters, two words: It’s on!!

Break out your t-hunter! Dust off those t-maps! Catskills has officially challenged Sonoma on the UO Herald to a Cross Shard Treasure Hunt Race!

What is a Shard Treasure Hunt Race? Good question. Back in August of 2010 Chesapeake and Sonoma had the first (and until now, only) battle of the t-hunters. Sonoma won hands down, earning us the Golden Treasure Hunter Traveling Trophy. But now, Catskills wants the tophy on their shard.

The battle between Sonoma and Catskills will be held Saturday (09/17) 6pm Pacific, 9pm Eastern.

Keep watch for more details!
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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