New Vet Rewards and 12th Anniversery Items!!!

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New Vet Rewards and 12th Anniversery Items!!!

Postby Endrik Elder » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:16 pm

New Vet rewards...
- Ethy Reptalon (Ethy Mount) (11th Year)
- Ethereal Hiryu (Ethy Mount) (12th Year)
- Wall Banner Deed (House Add-On) (11th Year?)
- Crystal Portal (Misc)
- Retouching Tool (Misc)
- House Teleporter (Misc) (12th Year)
- Fire Ant(12th Year) and Terathan Matriarch(11th Year) (Statues)
- Clothing Colors Forest Green(11th Year) and Royal Blue(12th Year) (Including Gargish Robes)

12th Anniversary Ticket Choices...
- Codex of Virtue
- Silver Sapling Replica
- Ultima Banner
- Mailbox

***Crystal Portal***
This crystal portal allows you to teleport directly to a bank or a moongate.
For Trammel ruleset, say the city's name followed by "mint" (e.g. "minoc mint").
For a moongate, say the gate's name and "moongate" (eg. "minoc moongate").
For Felucca, say "fel" then same rules as above. So "fel minoc mint" or "fel minoc moongate"

***Retouching Tool***
Target the ethereal mount you wish to retouch.
Your ethereal mount's body has been solidified.
Your ethereal mount's transparency has been restored.
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Endrik Elder
Posts: 60
Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:47 pm

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