~ Day 6 ~ The Tour of Dungeon Destard - The Dragons Den!

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~ Day 6 ~ The Tour of Dungeon Destard - The Dragons Den!

Postby Queen Mum » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:08 pm

'Crunch & Munch' the Dragons Den favorite snack!!

Our goal for the evening was to rid Destard of the vile beasts that curse the dark dungeon. The enthusiastic tour group met outside the entrance and began plotting a plan of attack. Knowing the dangers that were ahead, the tour leaders, Lady Arch Angel and Lord Loxely reminded everyone to ‘stay close”.

We prepared ourselves with encouraging words, and with a twinkle in some of the warriors’ eyes, we charged into the opening of Destard and into the waiting wings of a hungry wyvern. Upon seeing us enter, the wyvern growled loudly as though to alert its brethren that dinner was on its way!

With one swipe of its huge claw it tried to nab a member but the rest of the group went into action with all the fire power they could muster they took it down to half life. The beast seemed to think this was but a game of ‘Crunch and Munch’.

It rolled its eyes and threw its head back then its tail whipped around and smacked this newbiefied tagalong to the ground. The cry of help was heard and as its claws came closer to flesh the sounds of metal, spells and thwacks filled the air as my companions battled the beast. The hungry wyvern finally fell in a heap at our feet.


We headed down to the second level where the mighty slayers proceeded to strike with acute accuracy anything that came near them.


Dragons, Drakes, Wyverns, nothing seemed to distract them from the goal of defending the innocents on the tour.


Then this anxious newbiefied member heard an awful sound. A scream of such horror that one should never awaken to … I asked what had happened and was told that we had come to the lair of the Ancient Wyrm – my heart missed a whole beat at the mention of that legendary creature. Surely, death was at hand?


As we descended, the air grew thicker and more sickly sweet and the stinking heat increased. Yet still nothing stirred in that murk.


The lair was empty. Being newbiefied and foolish I said “come out ..come out ..wherever you are” and it happened …. staring at me with un-natural intelligence, a huge dragon took form out of the darkness. Its hide was deep red and its eyes shone with an amber light like pools of molten gold. Staring at the scene before me, there was a momentary belief that the dragon regarded us almost with affection - until it dawned on us that there was unfathomable contempt in its dark heart…faint pity.


The group anticipated the beast’s actions before it occurred and struck with a mighty attack … slaying it as fast as this newbiefied member could run and hide.


Yet, in my path stood another dragon, licking its lips and behind it stood a drake, just hoping to have a taste of this simple newbiefied player…and once again the tour group gathered around these feasters of flesh and with quick blows brought them down.


The tour group decided to go back and forth from one level to the next until we had our fill of what it is like to be in the DRAGONS DEN and survive.


Fighting off Evil Mages, Daemons, Water Elementals, Wyverns, Giant Serpents, and of course the Ancients!!


They hunted more drakes and dragons; they took grievous wounds and dealt death.


In the end, the stories and boasts flowed as freely as we drink in honor of our foes. We gathered together once more outside the dungeon of the dragons to raise our banners high in silent salute to the great and wondrous adversaries who fought and died with courage this day.


Many thanks to Whispering Rose Radio for co-sponsorship plus our Tour Leaders, Lady Arch Angel and Lord Loxely along with their assistants from the guilds of HELP, MoFo, MYTH, KVP, HOG, PAS, HELP, NUTS, PORN, KHV, and the others I missed in this merry-go-round of the Dragons Den who helped raise the dead and heal the wounded. Without them our adventure to Destard dungeon would have been a short lived ‘Crunch and Munch’ snack.
*A Cookie A Day Keeps The Blues Away*
Queen Mum
Queen of Cookies
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