PAS Museum Needs

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PAS Museum Needs

Postby wild flower » Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:38 pm

I have been slacking in my job of keeping the museum up to date with all the new things that come about. I have one of each the x-mas things there (except tree). Bats and webs were donated but today I put in the new Halloween candy, some of the deco things from magincia thread items, some colored armor from the invasion with a couple weapons as well, but noticed we need a few things to keep it current.

1. I got the basic Halloween candy but wasn't there rare things a beggar could get? Also I know there is a reason why some won't stack if someone could help me I can add it to a book.

2. There are new skill scrolls -- maybe if someone gets a bad one, focus for example, I would love to put at museum.

3. Some deco items from the thread turn in are missing as well -- I put the tree, log pile, one of the stumps and a bowl -- still need the others. The pulley, coat hooks, tapestry, stump, shelf, and any others I'm not listing.

4. Would love to put the special book and talisman from the Halloween thing too but I know those are worth a lot of money and not many got them. But if you would like to donate it would be cool.

5. Some dyed enhanced armor from the slimes would be cool and the deed that gives a title too.

6. Would love to put a hitching post and the ingredients in the museum.

7. Since I haven't played much I know I have missed a lot so if anyone thinks of anything else it would be awesome.

I know some of the things are hard to get and most don't want to let them go and that is ok. I'm just letting you all know what would be nice for the museum so you know what is needed.

Another thing that PAS could use is a castle for our museum cause we are going to need the space and lock downs.

If you would like to help and donate please contact me via icq at 65263876 or KD.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:23 pm

1. I got the basic Halloween candy but wasn't there rare things a beggar could get? Also I know there is a reason why some won't stack if someone could help me I can add it to a book.

The Special was the smaller web that you already have at the PAS museum, as for the candy, we had a patch during the Halloween event that caused the newer candy to not be stackable with the older candy before the patch. As it is with the current lockdowns in the Keep I would suggest you just have one set of candy and not two.

2. There are new skill scrolls -- maybe if someone gets a bad one, focus for example, I would love to put at museum.

Ok this one I can do, got one that has .1 skill on it and I cannot use it.

It seems the PAS keep is at ZERO lock downs, so I cannot drop this off till some room is made somehow, I don't know what you have extra laying around, but might start looking for copies of items, like the 2 bridles you have.
Last edited by Lord Drakelord on Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Darkstar » Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:42 pm

I think I have, book, slime deed, pulley, tree from threads, colorful box and a few other things. Just get ahold of me :)
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Postby wild flower » Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:41 pm

Thank you both and I will go look at the museum for the doubles
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Postby Brianna » Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:05 pm

okay what happened was prepatch candy is actually considered food the patch happened and candy became candy

meaning before the meat eating pets would eat the pixie stick cause it was coded as bacon and you also got full and couldnt eat anymore after eating x amount of it prepatch and you didnt get the messages about good dentists in town and such

love bri
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:02 pm

owners of the PAS keep might look into buying the extra storage code for that account
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Postby wild flower » Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:43 pm

Thanks for the info Bri -- I will add it to a book and the museum as soon as we figure out the storage issues

I went into the keep and it won't let me unlock anything even tho I locked it down so we will have to wait for KD to get back to work on it.

There are a few things I can take out that are not necessarily collectables and that will help with some storage and of course take out any doubles.

Thanks for all your help everyone!!!
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Postby Ciara » Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:58 pm

I could be mistaken, but I thought KD upgraded that account for extra storage already. I know we suggested it to him. You could tell from the house sign.
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Postby Maldar » Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:31 pm

I have duplicates of all of the Magincia rewards (if I can ever find someone in game.........I still need to find someone to re-guild me.) Using Vent is out for me (the wife got REALLY upset when I used it months ago and she heard me talking to one of you ladies. She lost her ex to an online lover.)
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Postby Ciara » Mon Dec 29, 2008 1:56 pm

Maldar, I have asked several times if someone has reguilded you and no one seemed to know. Do you use icq? If you have an icq number, I could contact you and reguild you if KD doesn't get to it first.
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Postby KDSonoma » Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:46 pm

sorry Maldar, my wife is very ill in RL and Ive been out of game for the last 7 days straight now. Along with icqing Ciara or another Elder, I recommend trying to flag down any PAS you see ingame and ask them if an Elder is ingame. They can then alliance chat with the Elder to get them to meet u ingame to get u back on the stone with any chars that u want in PAS.

I will also be trying to get ingame a bit as the week progresses, and feel free to icq me at 137449336 any time. I might be offline, but I boot icq when I log into UO and thats at least once a day to check icqs, forums, etc.

As for cool things for the museum, I was able to finally log in all chars on my nine accts (sheesh hehe) and I did get one very unusual gift box.

In KR it appears as a totally black box with a bright neon ribbon on it.

none of the other boxes looked unusual other than one that seemed fire beetle yellow.

Are there any rare colors of boxes so I dont throw something into a box that might be cool for the museum?

As for the museum, its maxed out (40% added lockdowns, shows 4226 max storage), so I must have upgraded that account already to the max storage.

It shows 1643 more available storage, but no available lockdowns. It shows 2113 available lockdowns, and all of them used, and 470 in secure containers, as well as 10/70 vendors (we dressed those vendors with armor etc). I hope that helps us get any ideas on how to expand the museum.

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Postby Ciara » Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:45 pm

KD, some of the regular type boxes are rare colors--a cross shard trader was showing me today that there are regular looking boxes that are very rare in shading and so on. If you think it might be an "unusual" or "rare" type item, please save the box, and I'll look at it with some of our "rares" people.

Maldar, I'm sorry we haven't gotten you guilded yet. I've looked for you every time I've been on, but I don't know your char names. Leave your icq here, or do as KD suggested and q him. We'll be very happy to have you back in PAS.

Thanks for offering to donate to the museum, Maldar!
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Postby Maldar » Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:44 pm

Oh my gosh, KD. I hope your wife is okay and it is nothing more serious than the flu.
Your rare box sounds pretty cool.........far different from my multi-colored neon one.
I don't fire icq up a lot. I'll have to start. My icq is 353-521-281
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:12 pm

Maldar wrote:Oh my gosh, KD. I hope your wife is okay and it is nothing more serious than the flu.
Your rare box sounds pretty cool.........far different from my multi-colored neon one.
I don't fire icq up a lot. I'll have to start. My icq is 353-521-281

I have added you to my icq listing, I'm normally around in the day so you should be able to catch me.
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