My Bedlam FoF Question got answered, booo.

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My Bedlam FoF Question got answered, booo.

Postby Atta Kquast » Fri May 29, 2009 7:26 pm

From this weeks FoF:

In the Pestilence Champion Spawn in Bedlam, the second level spawn contains Bog Things and Plague Beasts. These creatures create side spawn (Boglings, Plague Spawn). Does the side spawn created count towards the rewards once killed since its not "created" by the Champ Spawn itself?
Hmm, it looks like the answer is actually yes, although the points are essentially the same amount you’d get from the first tier of monsters for Bedlam (composed, of course, of Boglings and Plague Spawn). Essentially, as long as a monster spawns in a Champ Spawn area, *and* is in the list of point allocations for any of the tiers, it will give points, even if spawned separately by another mob.

Well this was my question I sent to FoF, and now that I have the answer I am not really satisfied. I am wondering if I can get anyone to either try to solo this spawn or work with me to see if we can validate this.

I can quickly get rip thru spawn on lvl 1 (wither/essense of wind), and then come the plague beasts & bog things. I can chew thru plague beasts and bog things fairly easy and at an average pace (not slow or fast)... at best I can push 3 white candles solo on the first red candle cycle.

Then I had the idea that I would push the spawn to dump all my valor so I could regain. If I gained off the side-spawn created, that should answer my question. Nope. "Some" of the side-spawn gives you valor not all...verified by screen/journal.

I also submitted that sometime a plague beast or bog thing spawns WITH side-spawn. That always seems to give valor.

So I was expecting an answer like... OMG youre right! The side-spawn thats created from the plague beasts etc doesnt count and lets fix that up. So then I can move to soloing thru that level.

Atta for the lose. :smt100
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Atta Kquast
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