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Hey all!

Postby Shadows » Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:50 am

Hey all! I just wanted to stop in and say hi to all. I'm not even sure if most remember me, that one really young elder guy who for some reason loved that Crafters/Music Channel. Life's kept me pretty busy, hindering my gaming time. Money also hinders my play time, whatever it may be. Life... well hectic lol. Senior year of high school, 1/4 done with BA in Computer Science (after May that is), Robotics program, moving houses, computer crashing (OMG I thought i was going to die, ask Tevvin about that one). So as you can see, not a lot of game time. But I just thought i'd stop by and update people who might still remember me. A few being Red, Brianna, Tiger, Crunch, Ciara, Sick, KD, and many more. Anyways, I'm currently setting at a friends house, setting in Vent. Can't understand why no one is on?! Maybe its because its 5:35 in the morning but eh. Truthfully I don't know if I'll ever be able to actually play UO again, but I'll still drop by every now and then to try and see what's going on w/ UO's latest 12 billion patches since I've been gone, and what's going on with the guild and everyone else. I'll make an attempt to get in Vent every now and then and catch up. Does Tiger still do those hilarious philosophical comments each morning? I loved those things lol. Anyways I've got a website to build out of scratch for my Robotics team, so I'll catch you all later!

EDIT: One more thing, has anybody seen Narial??? I kinda wanted to tell her a funny story.
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:57 am

hey Shadows! great to hear from ya!

RL sounds busy for you now, I can appreciate that (although its been a few years, err decades, since I was in HS myself).

I havent heard from Nariel for over a year or more now, but I havent had much time to play myself, so maybe others have heard from her.

Sorry to hear about the UO playtime, I can also appreciate that.

For those that remember Shadows, and thats a bunch of folks, Tevvin is his Uncle, Shadows became our youngest Elder at age 14?? if I recall, maybe 15??

Ill try to catch u in vent sometime, but my time is real limited due to RL stuff like many others now. The Princesses, Katie and Kelli, are at Ikkicon here in Austin this weekend ..


Its an anime convention and they are having a blast. In past years, we had like 10 teenager friends of theirs stay at our house and we hauled them down there each day for the convention. This year we were the cool parents and got them 2 hotel rooms for the 8 of them, at a hotel one block from the convention hotel. They order in pizza each night and brought food and drink with them for the other meals, and they are having a blast.

I STILL have not seen Avatar yet (my goal for the holidays), and it looks like I won't get to see it today either as we need two trips to get their luggage and check them out of the one hotel this morning, then back again to pick them up after the convention ends this afternoon.

Great to hear from you though Shadows, hope to talk to you soon.

I hope everyone gets a chance to chat with Shadows, he is one of the most mature "PAS kids" that we ever had (like Red is also). they were two of my favorite of all the PAS kids we have ever had in PAS.


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Postby Lord Drakelord » Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:50 am

Hey you two be quite! Its Sunday and we are sleeping still :) Man are you guys up early.

Glad to hear you doing ok Shadow.
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Postby Ciara » Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:11 pm

Hi Shadows! Great to hear from you! I'm glad to hear school is going well. That's more important than UO. But we do miss you!!! Things are going well in the guild. We have a lot of new people who are very fun, but I surely do miss the old friends, such as yourself.

Happy Holidays!
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Postby Shadows » Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:58 pm

Hey guys! Great to hear from you all! Got in vent earlier and caught up a little with Crunch and Drakelord, I plan to try and get in vent at about event time. Cya there if your on!
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Postby SICK » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:38 am

Hey Shadows it was good to get to talk to you earlier. Glad to hear school is going so well! Just remember you do what you have to now so you can do what you want later. Good luck with school and stay focused. Take it easy
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Postby Tracy » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:41 am

Hey shadows!

Good to hear you're busy...it'll keep ya out of trouble :P
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Postby Shadows » Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:46 am

Yeah sick it was nice to catch ya in vent. And hey Malachai! It's been forever since I've heard that name lol. How's life been treating ya? Still in the military?
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Postby Tracy » Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:32 am

Yup. 8 years so far.
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Postby Lord Drakelord » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:44 pm

Malachai wrote:Yup. 8 years so far.

only 12 more to retirement, :)
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