UO gaming question

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UO gaming question

Postby Davind » Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:09 pm

I am considering a return to UO; I did a little research and I noticed there are different types of UO now. I still have the original game, but I noticed there is a version that was released in 2007.

What game version does the current PAS play on?
Or do all Sonoma roads leads to PAS regardless of UO game?
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Postby Ciara » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:06 pm

Hi there. Well, PAS is a great guild, and we welcome new players and old timers and help them get up to speed.

The version of UO that came out in 2007, Kingdom Reborn, has been dropped. The latest expansion, Stygian Abyss, has a 3d client available, or you can play in the classic 2d client. The guild is pretty much half and half on which version they play, depending on their computer speed, preferences, etc. I still play 2d, but KD and several others love the new "enhanced client".

If you get back, be sure to look us up. We do all kinds of events, new ones and old ones.

We hope to see you in game.
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Postby Davind » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:12 pm

Kewl, thx for the info. Looks like my brother Apostle sold the accounts and game disks years ago, thought I had them, but wife reminded me to sent them to him. I'll have to re-purchase and start from scratch..:( Good news is, it will give me time to re-learn the game.

Don't worry Devilspawn, i'll still be able to kick your arse soon enough..:)
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Postby Ciara » Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:49 pm

If you need to start fresh, I would suggest just buy a new account with Stygian Abyss expansion, and then you can travel anywhere in game. :)
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Postby KDSonoma » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:58 am

Davind is an old friend who was in the Armored Saints, an SA ally of PAS. He also was in PAS. Its been a long time, Davind! but as I said in PM, if you need to start with a new account, I can get your characters started with decent armor, weps, resources, gold etc.

Just post to the forums with any questions about skill gaining or anything else. I also added you to the PAS list here, so now you should also see our private forum, Hidden Tavern. That has the ventrilo login information to get you to our ventrilo server, so you can talk with other PAS.

Looking forward to seeing you ingame again!

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Postby Farimir » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:49 am

Welcome Back Davind, if you decide to come back that is. I was in a simular situation. I came back about a year ago an a new account after a 6 year break. A lot has changed, but if you need anything let me know.
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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:11 am

Hey Davind, I don't think we have ever met but then again your name sounds familiar...

Don't hesitate to ask for some help if you want...We have a ton of really great people who's mission it is to make sure new and returning players get up and going as soon as possible...

I don't know how long it has been since you played but things have changed alot...New skills, lands, creatures, tamables and craftables...

I personally recommend downloading the enhanced client and learning to use it...it is superior to the classic client in everyway except one...housing, it is easier to design and deco your house in the classic client but everything else is better with enhanced...hehe

Welcome back and we look forward to seeing you ingame!
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Postby BadgirlXalan » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:45 pm

good time to come back to uo is this weekend! the EA store is having a sale on thier games (including SA UO) Think you can get a new account with SA for like 19.99 this weekend.

As for the Clients, An past player may be more inclined to goto the classic client 2d but it might be a good idea to try the SA Enhanced Client (3d) first to see if it fits you. Since youd have to learn new stuff for both clients might as well try the SA one. The 3d client has better macro abilities and works like the UO assist does for 2d. Also many believe you can move alot smoother/faster while on the 3d client, all depending on your computers abilities. Either way we have plenty of members that can help you with both clients.
Also if you decide to start a new account, be sure its from scratch and not just an upgraded Trial account. The reason for this is, brand new (non trial) accounts get the New Player Care Package. This includes a city runebook, 20k gold, a decent starter set of armor and Accelerated Skill Gain for your characters AND any in that characters party. They just added these perks recently and its alot more than new characters used to get.

Hope that helps ya :D
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Postby Warden » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:05 pm

Wow, I didn't know about all those new perks with a fresh account. That's awesome.

Davind, I played back in 1999 up to around 2003, and just came back at the beginning of this summer. I went straight for the new client and I love it. It had been long enough since I played that I think the learning curve would have been about the same with either client, and the EC (EC - Enhanced Client, CC - Classic Client) offers several perks.

I still had my old account with some fairly high-level characters, but they needed some tweaking to be effective in today's game. As for you having to start over, I think it's a lot easier to build up new characters these days. With PAS to hook you up, you will have highly useful characters in no time. Imbuing allows you to make very effective weapons and armor with exactly the stats you need, for relatively little money. Alacrity scrolls give accelerated skill gains. And skill jewelry and other items can easily give you a +30 or more bonus in many skills. This means you can have a playable character in a few hours.

Say you make a mage, starting with 50 magery. Get an LRC (lower reagent cost) suit from PAS so you don't need reagents, eat an alacrity scroll and hold a "mage weapon" wand that reduces your effective magery by 29 points. Cast fireball like crazy, and in the 15 minutes the alacrity scroll lasts you could get 15 or so points of magery, maybe more. Do that a couple times, add some skill items and you have a GM mage on your first night. As you then gain real skill you can trade out your skill items for items that give lower mana cost, faster casting, increased damage, mana regeneration, etc. etc.

As everybody else said, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
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Postby Davind » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:18 pm

Thank you all for the kind words and open arms; I am currently working on my skills with the 14 day trial and the beta enhanced client.

I am currently in New Haven working my skills, and doing my best to try to remember what skills I used to have.

I know I used to hand out Concussion blows and Parylizing attacks, I was an archer.

So far I am working Fencing, Mace, Archery, Healing, Tactics, Parry, Resist. Honestly not sure what I need, I am sure it will come back to me.

One question, I can't seem to figure out where my Stats are hiding, like STR, DEX ect. ect.
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Postby Davind » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:20 pm

My old account had all characters at 7gm; tamer/mage, bard/poisoner/mage, warrior, thief, and others.
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Postby Warden » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:25 pm

Open your paperdoll and look in the lower-left corner for a scroll-like icon called "Character Sheet". Clicking on that will show a ton of character stats, including STR, etc. On the bottom section of that window are left and right arrows that let you scroll through multiple screens of info.
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Postby Davind » Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:47 pm

Here is what I am going with so far:

Archery 120 (Currently 94.7) (Need 120 archery deed)
Fencing 100
Parry 100 (I might drop parry all together)
Anatomy 100 (Currently 95 or so)
Tactics 100 (currently 95 or so)
Bashido 90 (Currently 85+)
Chivalry not sure how much I need (currently around 60)
Healing 100 (Currently about 60)

Str currently 90 with bonuses (Do I need less, or more?)
Dex currently 128 with bonuses (Do I need less, or more?)
Int currently 10 (Do I need less, or more?)

You can see I am going to have too much skill and not enough points for my plan, i'll prob drop parry since I will mostly be using archery unless I need to poison or stun someone.

Please post your ideas on this subject.
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Postby Davind » Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:51 pm

One other thing, I recall my old Davind using Plate armor, I am currently in what was given to me which is leather; is there any reason not to use plate if you can?

I know in some games having on heavier armor can hurt your dex, or shooting speed, can that be said for UO?

Sorry for all the questions, I been gone a long, long time, and have played many other games since.
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Postby Ciara » Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:30 pm

Plate used to be great armor. Now it isn't necessary. Leather can be just as good, but its also medable, its replaced plate as the armor of choice.

I haven't ever used fencing as a combination with archery. There is a "paralyze blow" special you can get on some bows.

120 Archery scrolls come up occasionally for sale in Luna, or you can post in the Open Market forum. We do occasionally get them at champ spawns, and if you are lucky on the roll, you might get one that way. I would suggest pick up a 110 archery in the meantime, free from the Crafter House, so you are at least on your way to 120.
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