A small Update!

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A small Update!

Postby Taylanna » Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:05 am

Hey guys! Red here! I just wanted to update everyone! I'm in college almost done with my first semester!! I FINALLY got a job at a local Sonic, I get to rollerskate and hope I don't fall on my face!

Everything here is going well! I'm currently on a freeshard since I can't pay for UO on my own yet, hopefully if my accounts are still open-able I will open them back up!!! I honestly have NO clue if my keep is still up, if not it's all good! It was near cove if any of you want to hunt it down, I honestly doubt it's up!

I hope everyone is doing well, the family here is good! Judas is doing fine for those of you who remember him! He's still crazy as usual! I will keep intouch as much as I can (:

I miss you all and I hope I can pop on soon!!!

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Postby Maldar » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:04 pm

Hiya, Red!

It's good to hear from you. I wondered what had happened to you. Is the Keep you are talking about the one in Fel that you have had a while now?
I'll go look.

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Postby Ciara » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:47 pm

Hi Red! It's great to hear you are in college! Keep up the good work!
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Postby Taylanna » Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:31 pm

Hey guys! Yeah Maldar it's in fel, I'm trying to get UO patched up now for everything to see if I can get on for some of the neat new items (:
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Postby wild flower » Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:45 pm

Hey Red good to hear from you -- glad to hear your in college and all is going pretty good for you. Keep up the good work.
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Postby Eleanor Rigby » Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:12 pm

Hi Red, good to hear from you!

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Postby Taylanna » Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:47 pm

Okay better update:

So I graduated last June, NC scholar, 21st in class, not too shabby!
I'm at community college going for an associates in science, I'm hopefully going to transfer over to Mt. Olive in North Carolina in the fall of 2012 (I think...) and double major in Agriculture Education and Music Education (if they allow it)

As of life, I got my wisdom teeth ripped out of my mouth about a month ago, a very cruel experience! The dentist stuck me with this HUGE needle thing and then I wasn't numb all the way and started cutting and ripping and jerking and I felt it all screaming, he did say he was surprised I could scream, I was kind of mean and said You'd scream too if someone was causing you an extreme amount of pain...
Judas found that whole process funny cause I couldn't eat and when I did I would drool, I slept all the time and he would always try to wake me up and make sure I was alright. He was even evil and took a picture of me with ice packs on my cheeks to get the swelling to go down... although the medication they gave me was good, I would never go through that whole process again!

After that college has been going well! I have only a little bit left of this semester then exams start! It's a little nerve wrecking but I am sure I'll pull through!

Judas (my father for those of you who remember him) he is doing good, playing with HUGE tonka toys! (he's a crane operator now) He loves his job! Always has fun stories to tell!!! I just got a job at a local sonic! I start Thursday! I'm pretty excited after looking for a job for two years! I just hope I don't fall on my face while skating!

Other than that things have been going good! Nothing too exciting... taking on bills, trying not to break my crappy cell phone (HTC driod Eris, worst phone I ever had... just saying!) Being made "fun of" because I am a yankee in a southern state, but the same! I missed my PAS family and thought I should check in and get people up-to-date with the "exciting" life of Red (:

--Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar, those have been my worst area's in English--
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Postby Maldar » Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:29 pm

Your Keep is still there. Have you fired your account back up now? I saw Red in PAS go flying past me a bit ago.
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Postby Taylanna » Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:35 am

Yeah it was still being paid for, needless to say this isn't my true real account, but this will do (:
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Postby Sagan » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:42 am

Wow, Little Red is in College. Now I Know I'm getting old. *shakes head, wanders off in search of rum*
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Postby Taylanna » Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:23 am

It is crazy!!! Some of you remember me being 8 when I first started! Crazy huh? Sagan, you're only a day wiser!!!
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Postby KDSonoma » Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:43 pm

yeah they grow up fast ... Princess Katie was 6 and Princess Kelli was 2 when we first started playing UO. Now they are 18 and 14, Katie is in college like Red is.

I'm getting old, too, Sagan!

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Postby Damien Kilcannon » Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:06 am

Be grateful you were not in a california prison when you got your wisdom teeth out...all they did for me was a little novocaine(not NEARLY enough) then they drilled a hole in the tooth and stuck a tool in my mouth that looked like a screwdriver but the end had threads like a screw...they screwed the screwdriver into the tooth and started yanking this way and that way...I should have known i was not going to enjoy it when they tied me to the chair before they started...i guess the dentist got tired of getting attacked by irate prisoners for the cruel and unusual punishment he subjected us to...lol
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Postby Taylanna » Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:05 pm

Owww!!!!! My mouth is hurting just thinking about that!!!!
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Postby Warden » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:45 pm

I've worked in corrections for about 12 years now and the dental care seems to always be at or near the top of the inmate complaints list, though I haven't heard any stories as bad as that one. People generally hate the dentist even on the outside, so on the inside where you have cheap bureaucrats hiring the lowest bidder, probably some guy who can't keep regular customers so he takes low-paying government contracts... *shudders*
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