*Malachai entered the room ....*

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*Malachai entered the room ....*

Postby KDSonoma » Sat May 10, 2008 8:20 am

"Report please, Malachai" said KD.

"Sire, the last of the forts have been resupplied with food, water, resources. First Fleet is in place off the coast of Nujelm. Second fleet is in place off the coast of Britain. Third fleet is in place off the coast of Minoc. Fourth, fifth and sixth fleet are performing sweeps in their assigned areas."

"All divisions of the army are in place in their respective towns. Local Militia units are all reported active and participating in patrols around their respective towns."

"All of the PAS Special Forces have reported in and are on patrol in their regions."

"Except for the Tuk'ray" said KD.

Malachai nodded, "Yes, sire, they are still tracking the assassins from Hq1."

"Excellent! Well done, Malachai" said KD with a smile. "Now its simply a matter of waiting until this newest invasion begins. Once we identify the areas, we will begin moving our forces into position to destroy them.

With the forts resupplied, we should be able to fight in the field for an unlimited time, without needing to drag supply caravans along the way. Are the merchants prepared to resupply the forts that we begin using once the battles begin?"

"Yes, sire, they are ready" said Malachai.

"Any report from Karena on the status of reds in fel?"

"We got word last night that things are progressing nicely. Territorial Marshall Karena reports adding 3 more Sonoma Rangers to her troops, and she continues to get great support from various PAS Special Forces when they find groups of reds in the field."

KD said "We must continue those patrols, even during this invasion. The last time we were invaded, we pulled all red patrols from fel, and the criminal activity skyrocketed before we could get forces back into fel to get that under control again ... but that happened only when the invasion was quelled. This time we need to continue our presence regardless of how the invasion might go. I am confident that we have enough forces to handle everything, but it will require excellent tactics and communications."

"We can handle this, sire" said Malachai.

"Ok lets get to work!" said KD. Malachai nodded and left the room.

KD thought to himself ... "how odd, that I am hoping that we get invaded as we have predicted. We do not have sufficient forces to stay on a high alert forever. Now the hard part ... the waiting ...."
King of Sonoma
King of Sonoma
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